Black People : In Executive Actions, Trump Extends Unemployment Benefits, Defers Payroll Taxes - Wants to Say He Helped the People and Democrat Congress Didn't


Jul 2, 2003
This could takes Months for the States to Figure Out. No Benefits will be seen anytime soon.
He has done nothing but threw in a dirty towel.

Had McDonnell ARGUE FOR ONLY $200.00 IN unemployment. His order GIVES unemployed $400.00
Say he is giving Three and each state van add $100 if they want to or have it .. What a

Updated at 8:07 p.m. ET

At his Bedminster, N.J., golf resort on Saturday, President Trump signed four executive actions to provide economic relief amid the coronavirus pandemic. The actions amount to a stopgap measure, after failing to secure an agreement with Congress.

The three memorandums and one executive order call for extending enhanced unemployment benefits, taking steps to stop evictions, continuing the suspension of student loan repayments, and deferring payroll taxes.

Trump promised that funds would be "rapidly distributed" to Americans in need, although it remains unclear whether the president has the authority to do this unilaterally without congressional approval. In any case, legal challenges are expected, which could delay any disbursement of funds.

In one memorandum, Trump authorized the federal government to pay $300 per week for people on unemployment. States would be asked to pay an additional $100, for a total of $400 weekly for unemployed workers.

"If they don't, they don't. That's up to them," Trump said when asked what happens if governors don't have the funds available. "The states have the money. It's sitting there."
This could be the Nail That seals the box on nonsense governing.
Those Unemployment funds are being taken from the Payroll Tax Social Security System.
If payroll taxes are deferred.. or eliminated then no funds go into social security.
Elderly Suffer from the pandemic, and More with reduced benefits. paying taxes on social security is already hurting them so much.

With No One working are there any taxes to defer?


Who Really Pays Payroll Taxes?
Perhaps one of the best-kept secrets of payroll taxes is that employees effectively pay almost the entire payroll tax, instead of splitting the burden with their employers.
Payroll Tax Transparency
Besides the fact that the federal government’s imposition of “employer-side” payroll taxes is misleading, it also leads to a possible problem: it masks the costs of the programs that payroll taxes pay for. That is, rather than directly listing the ordinary taxpayers’ share of payments for Social Security and Medicare, half of the taxes that fund the programs are hidden from workers, in the form of lower wages.

This is an issue because it violates the principle of tax transparency: a tenet that states that tax burdens should not be hidden from taxpayers in complex structures. Because roughly half of the payroll taxes that fund Social Security and Medicare are hidden in the form of lower wages, rather than being entirely spelled out on our pay stubs, voters may underestimate the true budgetary impact of these social programs.

Is Social Security considered a payroll tax?
Put simply, payroll taxes are taxes paid on the wages and salaries of employees. These taxes are used to finance social insurance programs, such as Social Security and Medicare. ... The largest of these social insurance taxes are the two federal payroll taxes, which show up as FICA and MEDFICA on your pay stub.

What are Payroll Taxes?
Put simply, payroll taxes are taxes paid on the wages and salaries of employees. These taxes are used to finance social insurance programs, such as Social Security and Medicare. According to recent Tax Foundation research, these social insurance taxes make up 23.05 percent of combined federal, state, and local government revenue – the second largest source of government revenue in the United States.


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