Black Poetry : IN A RAGE(ignorance)


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2001
Fractional CFO, Venture P
You sit smugly in your Brooks Brother's suit
Wing Tips, and blonde hair combed to one side
poised with an arrogance that is synonomous with
a certain kind of prejudice
while you claim liberal status and viewpoint
with a supposed disassociation
from conservatist philosophy and
superior white mindset
nodding in agreement that
blacks HAVE made
considerable contributions to American society
but your almost non-existent capacity for
only allows you to mention
our impact in a cultural sense
giving aplause and all praises where
you feel they are due
but now i have a bit of news
we also have political and socio-economic views
fight diligently against gentrification
quality of education
to hell with assimilation
because we are America
taxes and dues paid
right of passage
signed, sealed and delivered
so if you want to see me dance
i'll achy breaky on your unassuming soul
want to hear me sing
i'll harmonize present day injustice
want to watch me be entertaining
i'll entertain your thoughts and mind
want to silence me
you'd have to kill my spirit
the voice of BLACK America
resonates eternal...
If They only knew....

that we are glorified..
built for the hard times....
And we study the time line...
of our forefathers....

We are one...
in a million...
grown into a billion...
yet still considered minority...
Yet mentally and physically...
We are one in our society....

A quiet voice is never heard....
But as we do....
We yell out the words....
And think that just because your skinner i different...
And ours is always shown....
Regardless of the misconception...
We are very well known...
From the the corporate office...
To Italy...back to main....
Tell many cultures....
can say the same....
And we shall overcome...
And will never be tamed!!!!

I enjoyed this...I really did....I just had to add a little...:p
nice piece....

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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