OldSoul : Important!!!! "Slavery By Another Name" on PBS

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Baby, I haven't had the chance to view the clip yet know that you've outlined what 'must be addessed' in order for other members to obtain a clearer understanding of what PBS missed --intentionally, or via ignorance...


The program was excellent! The one thing that stood out by white peoples standards was that "Slavery Didn't Officially End Until 1942" The second thing that stood out was that "the Black Boule" was not going through what the masses were going through. The third thing that stood out was that, they did mention W.E.B. Duboise as one of the so called founding members of the NAACP but they were careful to not say what group or people actually founded it.

The fourth thing that was said but was basically said BETWEEN THE LINES was that, "they never had any intent on actually freeing Afrakan peoples, which is why they modified it to state that "The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution officially outlaws slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime". This meant that we had to socially and legally be redefined in order for slavery to stay alive and we were. One should read; Criminalizing a Race by Dr. Charshee McKintyre.

I also noticed that they stayed away from the topic or the people who were attempting to develop us into an independent people. Therefore there was no mention of Booker T. Washington or Marcus Garvey, who still as of this day, had the largest black organization that there was. The entire program was built around a system of white people and our dependence upon them. It did however give another perspective (without outright saying it) as to why so many of our people during world war II joined the military...it was not for the love of this country, it was because "anyplace was better than here with what they were going through".

The fifth thing that stood out was the sheer fact that "our people literally built this country" and that the economic development and well being of this country was directly tied to free labor. Incidentally, one of the major reasons that Greece, Spain, Rome, France and Britain are going through such economic hardships today is that, "all the free reserves of money that they had from the free labor of our peoples is running out". Capitalism can not and will not survive unless there is an under class for the rich to make their money from. As such, the criminalizing of our young on a bunch of bull---- is what once again, has fueled the privatization of prisons in America with our children as the new slaves for crimes that are not worth the time that they receive for it.

I wrote all of this to basically let us know, nothing has changed....just the fashion in which it is executed. The statement by the Corrections Corporation of America is simply a statement that says; "We need to start locking up more people if we want to prosper"....meaning that, this country was developed on our labor, it was industrialized and agriculturalized on our labor, it was defended on our labor (military) and if it is to be maintained, it must be maintained on our labor (prisons).

The only thing about all of this, for our white people lovers, is that "they are the only group that profits from our demise, our labor and our present condition. There's a lot more to this but I'm not feeling it because to be real about it, maybe 5% if that, of the people on this site, are really concerned about us as a people to the exclusion of white people or those who do not look, live or have our history and culture.
I had a SMALL inkling, OldSoul -- that I'd once visited this clip, yet after a few moments into the movie, I knew that I'd seen this clip in its entirety ---b4. Humph! The beginnings of the 'chain gang' <<<I thought>>> as I grew deeply ticked me off to the nth degree. My mind then went to work BECAUSE I UNDERSTAND and KNOW the history behind the history. (eg. the Reconstruction Act(s) --there were 2).

Another interesting source "Best and Worst of Presidents"....as brought forth by DeWayne Wickham. In this article, Journalist DeWayne Wickham brilliantly points out the political gain of how Rutherford B. Hayes cut a "side" deal with southern whites to secure his Presidency ---by removing the "our federal protection" thus snatching the rug right from under our feet...! At that time in our his story most of us were in a half-state of illiteracy ---so we didn't even know the how nor the why of these "federal protections" that were quickly pulled right out from under us before there were even well established to defray the bondage's of a post-slavery existence that had literally been brutally forced upon us from the very start.

If you think prison is not the new slavery then you need to do your research and re-think this fact, again.

Q. Are there more black men in prison than in college?
A. Yes
Q. Why?
A. Because it is more profitable for the dominate race to rise while crippling the "other" half of the strength of our economic base (eg. the Black Male) than to deal with a balanced economic base (eg. The Black Male and The Black Female). All you have to do is take a walk down the historical streets of the many riots that sprang up in opposition to Black communities forming their own economic power bases separate from YT:

1873 Colfax Race Rio (Louisiana) 1906 Atlanta Riot (Atlanta Area) 1908 Springfield Race Riot (Illinois) 1919 Omaha Race Riot (Nebraska)1920 Ocoee Race Riot (Central Florida)1921 Tulsa Race Riot (Greenwood Area, Oklahoma) 1935 Harlem.

You must know that this entire fiasco (eg. how we were completely indoctrinated into the corporation known as the "United States Of America" as second class citizens <<<socially and economically>>>) has been legally engineered via laws to keep us in our place as well as outright terrorist acts to scare us in our place (e.g up to the present witb STAND YOUR GROUND). If you don't discern this fact then everything that you

think you know about the topic of
will only confuse you...!

Q, What are you gonna do about this post-traumatic slave syndrome?
A. Nothing.
Q, Why?
A. Because you are comfortable inside the "leftover craps" of mental pain and suffering caused by slavery that you still harbor to this very minute...my self included.

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Don't do that.

Don't turn it off.

Don't hurt anyone.

It is part of our legacy.

Our history.

"History is a clock people use to tell their political and cultural time of the day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human geography. The history tells a people where they have been and what they have been. Where they are and what they are. But most importantly history tells a people where they still must go and what they still must be . The relationship of history to a people is the same as the relationship of a mother to her child."
Didn't Dr. John Henrik Clarke say that? :)


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