Black People : Illegal immigration affecting black communities

The only message Black folk gone send by not voting is that they don't give a damnnnn about voting. This will only lead to more voter rules, and amendments, to block the Black vote.

I don't need to listen to no utube video to know that.

It's undeniable that this election is an insult to Americas, not just Black's, intelligence. But, this is the time when we all must use our intelligence to make the tough decision.

The why of your decision should/could remain silent and personal.

Wake Up! Ain't nothing new here. We've had a Black president for eight years and done forgot we been voting for white fools every election. This year the fools are more obvious because of Donald Duck.

To make a conscious decision not to VOTE is not the answer. Have you, those who plan not to vote, been paying attention?

VOTE! or lose the right to VOTE.
I'm trying to channel my ancestors, seeking their wisdom and guidance. Today after weighing the options for the umpteenth time...the thought of not voting crossed my mind. With the possibility now that Trump could be pressured to drop out by the RNC because of his crass and dumb comments about Capt. Kahn, that would make the decision a lot easier for me.
No, my choice not to vote in the 2016 presidential is not an indicator that I don't give a damnnn about voting. Not in my opinion. I have voted in my State and local elections and always do. What my choice not to participate in the presidential election this year, if that's my final decision, is indicative of is my frustration with the system and the options. I'm allowed.
So we vote in State and local elections but not the Presidential elections.
Yea, we are all "allowed" not to vote.

Some may think their one vote won't matter. Take ALL the one votes that someone didn't think would matter and you got a lotta Black votes MIA.
That one vote does matter.
Political decisions are made based on all those one votes MIA.

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