Black Poetry : If I had you at HELLO, the response (inspired by GA Sunshyne)


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
If I HAD you at hello
then what about our former lives?
when you were the sky and I was
a cloud drifting as you stroked my
silver lining? or when you
were the candle and I was the flame
that lit your wick and gave birth
to smoke that spelled us as it danced
to God's exhalations...we sho' got down
or when you were the Nile river and
I a Kemetic King soaking my feet
after directing how the pyramids should
be felt good
that I dived in and let myself go
to the point where I became one with you
and we joined hands, lips, bodies, and
spirits as we flowed North
or when you were a glass and I chamomile
tea and I swirled about you caressing your
insides diving over your lip and settling at your
base tickling your backside or when
you were the Sun and I the moon and I eclipsed
you so the world could not see what we
did on the other
side yet you teased them with the glow
you released around my whole...
or you the roots and I the soil
and I sucked you dry or when you
were the woman on a planet only
you inhabited and I the gravitational
pull holding you near me close to me
next to me our privied proximity

If I had you at hello then what about our former
lives? when you the verse to a love poem
and I the inflection that formed it the
energy that flowed it smoothly
off of lover's lips to one another.

(c) 2001 blakverb
You Are da Bomb Bay-Beeee!!!


when i told you i would be honored if
you did a response to "You Had Me At Hello"...
I didn't know you would leave me Mind Blown...
yet again... but i shoulda known!! :wink:

you are oh-so... just plain... indescribable...
& guess what?... i almost fainted & i think i
did do that otha thing!!! :lol:


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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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