The mathematical statement you are making isn't mathematically sound. You're taking one-year of homicides on Black children and comparing them to the whole Black population.
Do you realize how absolutely foolish the above reads? 1,092 deaths don't count because they happened in one year. Thanks for telling me. Oh, and tell that to the parents of those 1,092 kids. I'm sure they'll appreciate that because their kid died in 2009, s/he doesn't count.
Btw, in 2009, the whole population of blacks was 40,000,000. 1,092 black teens out of 40 million blacks total were killed.
Then you're claiming that it's 1% of 1%.
I'm not claiming anything. Ask someone to do the math for you.
It is, but you're not taking into account that children live for more than one year
Reading comprehension is fundamental. Children live for more than one year..... (it's hard dealing with this nonsense, truly). Uh, most of those 1092 (prolly 1091) were older than 1 year old.
and you're also not taking into account that not every African in America is a child.
What nonsense is this? There are 40 Million black PEOPLE in America. Children and adults alike are included in that figure. (SMH)
Technically, 19-years of homicide ought to be taken into account; and technically only the Black children's population is relevant. Of course, that's only to get the wider picture of how 1,000 homicides is a lot.
For another comparison, consider how many lynchings there were.
Why would I consider lynchings when the subject is blacks killing blacks?
pssst! And no matter how you trying to Strawman it,
the subject will REMAIN "Blacks killing Blacks."
I have heard of a strawman argument. But what about it? I answered the question.
Really? I missed it. What would happen in blacks stop killing blacks? How would it affect black America's fight against racism, oppression, hayle, literacy!? Refresh whatever answer you gave in your mind.
The question has too many flaws. None of us know who the 1,000 are. However, if it pleases you, "There will be more Black people. We would be more prepared."
How would we be better prepared and for what?
J/k. You have no answer. It's all good.