People are constantly talking about black on black killings and how blacks need to stop killing blacks (as if whites don't kill white and Asians don't kill Asians, etc.) Decided to google around for some FACTS:
So 1,092 deaths were black children (2009 was the latest I could find figures for). The black population of the U.S. is 40,000,000. Thus, black children killing black children is LESS than a percent of a percent of blacks in the U.S.
In short, 1% of 40 million is 400,000. 1,092 is 1% of 1% of.....
Btw, even if that 1,092 figure has gone up 3 fold in 2013 from 1,092 to 3,276, it STILL comes out to 1% of 1% of the total population.
So the question is: If black teens stopped killing each other, today, what kind of shape would black America be in? Would we better prepared to fight racism? What?
Ninety percent of gun deaths of Black children and teens in 2009 were homicides (1,092); six percent were suicides (72).
Among White children and teens, almost half of all gun deaths in 2009 were homicides (730) while 46 percent were suicides (698).
White children and teens are twice as likely to commit suicide by gun as Black children and teens.
In 2009, 43 percent of gun deaths were Black children and teens and 54 percent were White;
59 percent of homicide victims were Black children and teens;
87 percent of suicide victims were White.
So 1,092 deaths were black children (2009 was the latest I could find figures for). The black population of the U.S. is 40,000,000. Thus, black children killing black children is LESS than a percent of a percent of blacks in the U.S.
In short, 1% of 40 million is 400,000. 1,092 is 1% of 1% of.....
Btw, even if that 1,092 figure has gone up 3 fold in 2013 from 1,092 to 3,276, it STILL comes out to 1% of 1% of the total population.
So the question is: If black teens stopped killing each other, today, what kind of shape would black America be in? Would we better prepared to fight racism? What?