The Myth of jail and men doing men is not what people really think or
saying about guys in prison, I know a few who did time and yes true
they did things with as someone stated before me with women who work
in the system .
Don't get it wrong some go in already gay some get turned out because it
do happen in there and some are lying or liars to the facts the real truth
is within da walls behind da bars and uncovered less one been there themselves
to have first hand knowledge of this myth and sexuality of men on men !
Beware of the HYPE !!!
saying about guys in prison, I know a few who did time and yes true
they did things with as someone stated before me with women who work
in the system .
Don't get it wrong some go in already gay some get turned out because it
do happen in there and some are lying or liars to the facts the real truth
is within da walls behind da bars and uncovered less one been there themselves
to have first hand knowledge of this myth and sexuality of men on men !
Beware of the HYPE !!!