Black People : I need Honest Answers To A VERY Honest Question

The Myth of jail and men doing men is not what people really think or
saying about guys in prison, I know a few who did time and yes true
they did things with as someone stated before me with women who work
in the system .

Don't get it wrong some go in already gay some get turned out because it
do happen in there and some are lying or liars to the facts the real truth
is within da walls behind da bars and uncovered less one been there themselves
to have first hand knowledge of this myth and sexuality of men on men !

Beware of the HYPE !!!
the answer is yes. and old friend of mine did 17 yrs in there and the things he told me made me wonder why anyone would ever want to go back time after time. look at it this way, i don't care how big you are; what can you do against a gang of men? i spent 3 days in the house of correction in chicago in 81 and that was the last time for me. i'm just glad i didn't have any vises.
Qatavia said:
Okay Im sure we ALL know somebody who's been in jail, IS in jail or on the verge of going to jail. It's ashame to say but that's just the way it is for us. So here's the question....

When a man has been in jail over 5 years, do you think he's messed with anybody in there? Spacifically, another man. Most people I know who have done time really don't talk much about what it was like in there. Most of them go by a code that whatever happens in there STAYS in there....and that's usually how it works. But sometimes stories leak and what was supposed to be "quiet as kept" information suddenly becomes the 411 of the hood. Now granted, unless the source is credible, the information most times just gets shrugged off as pure rumor but there are times when ya' can't help but wonder. Especially the men who've done over 20 years stints. You might not say anything, but is it something that remains in the back of your head?
Now for the controversy...

It depends on WHERE you are talking about.

The following can NOT be ignored or denied.

PRISON RAPE is a leading cause of HIV infection in South African. Also, unprotected CONSENSUAL SEX is a leading cause as well.

So, the issue becomes is this limited to South African prisons, or is it indicative on what goes on wherever Black men are incarcerated.
Qatavia said:
Okay Im sure we ALL know somebody who's been in jail, IS in jail or on the verge of going to jail. It's ashame to say but that's just the way it is for us. So here's the question....

When a man has been in jail over 5 years, do you think he's messed with anybody in there? Spacifically, another man. Most people I know who have done time really don't talk much about what it was like in there. Most of them go by a code that whatever happens in there STAYS in there....and that's usually how it works. But sometimes stories leak and what was supposed to be "quiet as kept" information suddenly becomes the 411 of the hood. Now granted, unless the source is credible, the information most times just gets shrugged off as pure rumor but there are times when ya' can't help but wonder. Especially the men who've done over 20 years stints. You might not say anything, but is it something that remains in the back of your head?

I don't understand the question, are asking if a man goes to prison ( for a long time) dose seek out sex with out men? or do most men that go to prison get raped?
I don't have the answer to your question, but want to share something i saw on television regarding this topic.

I watch the MSNBC prison documentaries, as well as others i can find. In one of those, there was a young Brother that was in for life, and they showed how he refused to take a cell mate. He said that he would not sleep in such close quarters, for an extended period of time, with no other man. He talked about how he knew he was being set-up to partake in homosexual activities, and he wasn't having any of it. Even though this meant he had to go to solitary confinment. The prison officials were talking to him, saying c'mon man, just get with the program so you can make your time here easier ... and he was like ... easier?!!! ... aint no easier ... it's all F'd up, no matter where in there he spent his time ... and he wasn't sleeping with no other man! They kept giving him more chances to "give in" ... consistently working to break his resolve. Even on the program, they took him out of solitary confinement, all of his belongings (which are few of course), and returned him to general population, into a cell with another man ... and again ... he refused. So back to solitary confinement he went.

Bless his heart.



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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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