Black Poetry : I FOUND U THERE


Lyon King Admin.
Mar 21, 2001
Stalling through da technical spinner of multi-colors
by default and reasons i stumble upon ya lace
I devor you , my heart lone for you inside ya eyez
i see not da dismay but the beauty of ya pose

We have cross paths many times yet you not see me
for my voice is the carrier of love and devotion
i promote my secrecy and lavish my soul whereas
and still you turn away like da days gone by us

I found you there awaiting arms , i so reach out
my hand unto thee only to embrace thou image
for in my mind under close scope i see you there
i see da coloris of ya nubian flair and da sparkle

Why not you loveth me , for i am thy KING
of everlasting and unbound unconditionally
I've wedd my thoughts of you and envision us
i've even compromise my confession at your feet
still you walketh away like da night under da starz

For now my cherry moons cry in da ripple burnning orange
clashing wit every beat of my heart dat calls out to you
do you not hear me ,I may have made this dangerous mistake
but forgive me beloveth and return upon my throne
for happiness awaits me only by your hand

I found you there , be not bashful nor shame
for my nudity is not my nakedness but my coming
in da rare yet birth rights as i was given at first light
come ye' behold me and not forsaken me
i am upon thee closer then you know, i see u there.

A Dyamondluv Production 08
Nu~Wave Ink Creation & Publishing
Trademark AllCopyRights Reserved
Da $R
In the Spirit of Sankofa!

Watching every move made
i see you there yet awaiting
is it of thou love one lone
or am i just inside a myth
I see u there !


Oh so real! But hear is what got me:

I found you there , be not bashful nor shame
for my nudity is not my nakedness but my coming
in da rare yet birth rights as i was given at first light
come ye' behold me and not forsaken me
i am upon thee closer then you know, i see u there.


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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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