Black Parenting : I don't want my kids to believe in Father Christmas


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

OK. I have never, and will never, encourage my children to believe in Father Christmas. That might sound niggardly – even heretical – but, to me, the whole phenomenon seems bizarre. I cannot understand why people try to make their children believe what is not true, in an effort to create a synthetic innocence and wonder. Parents go to great lengths to peddle this lie, from dressing up in a Father Christmas costume late at night to interpreting meteorological phenomena as evidence of Santa's journey to Britain. People encourage their kids to leave a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie out for Saint Nick, and a carrot for his reindeer. Then, before going to bed, they drink half the mulled wine and take a bite out of the mince pie and the carrot. This is normal?

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why do you call him father christmas?

anyway, i've always found it interesting that we teach our kids to lie...then get on them for lying.

why would any MAN allow another man to take responsibility for the things he buy for his kids?

why do we encourage the celebration...and a lie?

why do we teach/encourage our kids to lie?

A lie is when you tell your wife you are going to shoot Pool with the guys and you go to a cheap motel. Talking about Santa Claus isn't a lie, it's a harmless fib allowing children to actually be in a somewhat interactive fairy tale. If ya want to cut out Santa you might as well cut out cartoons and kids movies and dolls and toy action figures. Take them to the slaughterhouse to really see where our food comes from.


It's a tough world out there. Let them be children for as long as they can. Let them have their fairytales and dreAms for as long as it lasts.

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