Black Spirituality Religion : I Call Upon The Innocent Souls

The slave master wife was as cruel as the slave master husband. She could not comprehend why her rich husband of great respect and honor somehow lusted for the black skin of a slave girl. Unable to challenge him, the wife took her anger out on the rape victims.

"I heard of a jealous mistress who always made one of her (female) slaves run an errand in a thunderstorm, in the hope that a thorough drenching might cause sickness. Too frequently the mistress has grounds for jealousy of her female domestics, and when suspicion is once fairly aroused the result is always disquietude, heart-burnings, malice, and finally revenge."

The Southern American Missionary Magazine
; London, 1874; Volume 8; page 144.

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Destee wrote on Cindy's profile.
YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
Destee wrote on frankster's profile.