
How your TV or broadband bill might creep up in the new year
A dollar here and two dollars there may not seem like much. But combined over a year, these add-ons can add up to $66 a year—the figure at Comcast (CMCSA), America’s largest cable operator—and look more like paying for a 13th month of TV service.
Rob Pegoraro
Contributing Editor
Yahoo Finance
Image: Getty

How your TV or broadband bill might creep up in the new year
A dollar here and two dollars there may not seem like much. But combined over a year, these add-ons can add up to $66 a year—the figure at Comcast (CMCSA), America’s largest cable operator—and look more like paying for a 13th month of TV service.

Rob Pegoraro
Contributing Editor
Yahoo Finance

Image: Getty