Science and Technology : How To Make a Web Video ?

Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
Peace and Blessings Family,

I want to be able to make great web videos, like Sister True does! :D

What's involved with the process?

What equipment - hardware/sofware - do i need to buy?

Don't yall tell me to get any ol' kinda stuff ... i want stuff that's gonna make me look pretty, like Sister True looks pretty! :D

What recommendations / suggestions do you have?

Thanks in advance.


watching and waiting...

For ways to improve on this:

Cause ere' body gots a story to tell....
Bout dis living hell....
were somebody done try a sell...
US a load of sugarhoneyicedtea....
and is now been buried deeeeeeep down in da pit
of my imagination's late and I'm's my second try Mama you see what i see?? I DID IT :hearts4::hearts3::hearts1:

Sistah True is a very beautiful Sistah! I'm always vibing on her backdrops and the mood music. Mother Destee, forgive me ignorance, I figured this site had a video feature.

The most important feature for make web videos is your computer. A strong stable system, with a decent usb 2.0 interface.

Next its your web camera. Logitech makes some of the best cameras out there. But, it may all depend on what you can afford, or what your pc can handle. The higher the resolution, the more expensive the camera. A great camera, is about $70-$150. A decent camera, to do what you need it to do- will run around $20-$40. Its a good idea to compare specs between the more expensive brands and the cheaper brands to see just what you require.

Overall, good web video is all about the lighting and composition, just like all photographic arts. The camera that gives you the perfect balance whether in low light, or heavy light is a good one. The best software usually comes with the camera.

Thank you Sistah Truetothecause, for warming everyone up to your medium of creative expression, I'm sure we'll see more videos from more of us shortly.

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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