Loving a woman ( or a man for that matter ) means growing with that individual. It means that...the person that you meet, is a constant movement of motion. Just like technology receives upgrades...so do people.
Being in a relationship requires maintenece. One can not have a lathargic attitude towards contributing to it's evolvement, of the individuals involved.
Who I am today, may not be who I am tommorow, and it is important that people communicate their development.
(note: so that their is no confusion. The *key* elements...trust, loyality, love, warmth, respect, etc...those should never change. The context in which I am refering to is more geared towards new intrests, activities, thoughts of mind, that evolve over time)
How this becomes a problem...is when people get *too comfortable* in their relationships...and don't work as hard anymore. They take advantage of the fact that person that they are with...will always be there...so why work hard?
This is exactly why people.....get divorced, cheat, or have desires to be else where....because the connection has been lost in their relationship.