Since all the best things in life can not be put into words, the definition of what is real and true, perhaps, should be what we can not know.
Segue ---- sort of. Octavia Butler, a now deceased and brilliant sister-writer, in her Pattern series, describes the Pattern Masters as beings sort of like gods who can communicate mentally, see without eyes, and even exist immortally in some cases. These Pattern Masters refer to "normal" people --- us --- as mutes because, we have eyes but can not see and ears but can not hear.
Mutes, us, are limited to the capabilities of our physical senses. Pattern Masters, by contrast, intuit omnipotence and omniscience from the Pattern, which is the Oneness that ties together All.
Ms. Butler was one brilliant sister who, in all her books, used parables to convey deep esoteric truths.
In her Earthseed series, the heroine defines God as Change, which seems almost contradictory to our holy books until you realize Olamina was saying that we mutes invariably _shape_ god in our own image.
If someone asked Shaper how if she knew God was real, I suspect she might consider that an irrelevant question.
Which is not to say that God is unreal. But rather that, while there is One Divine Being, me talking now, limited mortal minds do not have the capacity to _know_ the Infinite.