Chief Elder Osiris : How Can You Tell When You Are Black Enough?

Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002
How Can You Tell When You Are Black Enough?

By Chief Elder Osiris

We use the term Black because it is the most worldly term that identify us in the world and because of the fact that we are in the world but should not be of the World, we use the term Black to identify the Divine Being for sake of understanding communication and to block the presence of confusion when the conversation is about the Divine Being that came to this planet, also our Blackness is the direct opposite to how the oppressors of European pigment identify themselves as being White, they do so, so there can be no confusion between the two distinct ethnic groups.

So I have no problem identifying with the Shade of Infinity, that which is without Light, which we identify as being Dark space and from that space, come forth light of many colors.

Night, Black, it put us right in divine relationship with the infinite Universe proper, that Energy Space, out from it come all things physical and is in motion, and motion verify Life, and in the Infinite Universe, life is Ethereal and reveal to us those Physical objects which it produce, with the former representing Eternal Infinite Existence and the latter represent being finitely living in the physical.

So the question is, how can you tell when you are Black enough, is it because your Blackness must be more than topical, and must it be deeper than what the pigment display about your physical body?

Being Black enough, is a combination of being in the capacity of a duality representative of your physical Body, it is both, body and Mind, and the Mind is what reveal the quality of your Body Blackness, so again I ask, How Can You Tell When You Are Black Enough, is it based upon your physical appearance of is it the Spirit representing your Mind action?

The One thing about your Divinity is that, you can not cheat concerning it, you can not disguise it, and you can not pretend about it, and get away with fooling those who are truly and Divinely Black.

Being Black enough does not come with a mind that compromise that which is Divinely True and Real, your Blackness, which is Divine, require for you to be Divinely Real in all that you do, while enjoying or having to pursue the Greater Good for a people that have had Divine Justice ripped out from their Natural Universal Right to be Justly and Divinely treated.

You can tell when you are Divinely Black enough, it is when you know that which has come to take your Blackness away and do not allow such to happen to you.

You know when you are Divinely Black enough, when you can not be confused about there being a profane Evil in your presence, knowing that you are not to attempt to be like such evil and you knowing that you are not to attempt to justify such action of Evil.

You know when you are Divinely Black enough, when Afrika is not denied by you, to be your Home upon this Planet and it being so, way before all of the Homes you have now adopted to be your Home away from Afrika, and you have a burning desire to return back to your Earthly Home location.

You know when you are Divinely Black enough, when you know that you will not become respectful with dignity until the Black Afrikan people are united again in Afrika and you are willing to do what is necessary to make such a Divine goal be reached, which should be your Life purpose for Living Black.

You know when you are Divinely Black enough, when you are Divinely Spiritual enough to relate and interact in Harmony, Order, and Balance, with both Universe, that which is Ethereal and that which is physical, from which a variation of a spectrum colors appear, during the ethereal forming of the physical Universe.

You know when you are divinely Black enough, when you become Divinely intelligent enough to know that all anthropomorphous Beings that make up the physical corporeal world, and is of a spectrum of different colors, they all being the result that come from the Divine Ethereal Action, that which take place intrinsically in the Ethereal Infinite Divine Universe.

You know when you are divinely Black enough, when you know that the variation of the spectrum of colors come from the One Divine Ethereal Infinite Universe, and all that come forth from such Divinity, is One, bought forth from that same one Divine Infinite Energy, the ethereal infinite Universal Space of no color but is in possession of all colors.

You know when you are Black enough, when you are in the know of thyself and because of such divine knowledge of self, it causes you to never be satisfied with being what somebody else other than your self have told you who you are, and you choose not to believe, but rather to know thyself.

You know when you are Black Enough, when you will not allow anybody to persuade you or influence you that Reparation will never be paid to our Enslaved Ancestors.

Yes Beloved, you will know when you are Black enough, when you are wise enough to know that all religions are from the mind of Lucifer and you will not believe in such a doctrine of religion again.

You will know when you are Black enough, when you are willing to fight to become the next established State in Afrika, because of the way that you were taken away from Afrika and you will not be satisfied until the Black Afrikan Nation is United again, in Afrika proper.

You will know when you are Black enough, when you are guided by your Divine Mind and is wrapped in your Divine Spirituality, meaning that your attitudinal behavior is in Harmony, Order, and Balance in all that you Think about and do, while living your life Black.

Can You Understand That Beloved?

Be Kind To Your Self, Beloved.

Chief Elder

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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