Black People : How being black and being racist is self defeatism.

uplift19 said:
I disagree with the idea that there is a such thing as racisim within any one "race." How can black people be racist among themselves? The brown paper bag test was discrimination based on complexion, not merely because one is Black. Hue is the factor, not "racial" identify.

Someone told me once he was discriminated against by Black people (he is mixed, a whole 'nother story) because he went into a shoe store, looked at some expensive shoes, and was told to look at the price on the bottom. How is that racism??? Classism, maybe. Ageism, maybe. But the factor of judgment is not race.

Hmm. I'm not sure what caused offense in your second example. Regardless, it's not 'racism' in the classic sense but it's self-hate based on a racist system. So it is still a form of prejudice; thinking negatively about someone simply because of their physical characteristics.

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