Black People : How being black and being racist is self defeatism.

Blaklioness said: why are you using this as an example of how Black people can be racist?

This example in particular is one of the only ones that I can say I know on a personal basis,other members of my family have stories that are similiar pertaining to this topic but since I was not there I cannot say any of them with confidence.
OK, THAT EXPLAINS IT...MY APOLOGIES I-KHAN. I seriously thought that you were smoking something, but now that I know your age it explains everything. You have much to learn young brother. We have not been at war for 500 years as many would mislead you to think. Our people have been at battle for close to 3500 years with the Islamic slave trade being the longest unspoken and ignored slave trade up to this very day.

Wasn't there slavery in Africa before the Arabs? Wasn't slavery in warfare common in both African and Arab cultures? Isn't it true the european slavery was the WORST in history?

Why does his age explain everything? Ageism is another ism that we should let go of.
Only amongst themselves, as was indicated in OLDIES' sorority example. But even that "power" is self-defeating, and illusionary at best.

I disagree with the idea that there is a such thing as racisim within any one "race." How can black people be racist among themselves? The brown paper bag test was discrimination based on complexion, not merely because one is Black. Hue is the factor, not "racial" identify.

Someone told me once he was discriminated against by Black people (he is mixed, a whole 'nother story) because he went into a shoe store, looked at some expensive shoes, and was told to look at the price on the bottom. How is that racism??? Classism, maybe. Ageism, maybe. But the factor of judgment is not race.
uplift19 said:
I disagree with the idea that there is a such thing as racisim within any one "race." How can black people be racist among themselves? The brown paper bag test was discrimination based on complexion, not merely because one is Black. Hue is the factor, not "racial" identify.

Someone told me once he was discriminated against by Black people (he is mixed, a whole 'nother story) because he went into a shoe store, looked at some expensive shoes, and was told to look at the price on the bottom. How is that racism??? Classism, maybe. Ageism, maybe. But the factor of judgment is not race.

Well with that example, it's hard to classify what happened to him as racism. I don't think that would be a true example. I wasn't there so......

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