Black People : How being black and being racist is self defeatism.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Before I go into detail,I think it is time to re-define racism and what it is in a actual social context,any elders out there can correct me if I am wrong.

Racism in a modern sense has taken a twist or two but has not left its original social complex that shows in attitudes of "superiority" to cover up actual inferiority.I have often heard of a thing called "right racism" and "wrong racism." What it seems to imply is that loving yourself and your people along with willing to sacrifice for them is "right",but willing to destroy,hate,seperate(ie Jim Crow) or subjugate any group who is not like you and yours for no logical reason except greed is "wrong." Whether or not this complex is true,which it is in my opinion, I will leave to the reader,but what remains is the fact that some of us have fallen to the complex of "wrong racism" and classic bigotry that is institutionalized today. Some would call it logical since we were and still are opprressed in a more institutionalized form,but I always thought that if you spend enough time around an oppressor you begin to act like them and eventually become the oppressor,possibly without even knowing it.

Self Defeatism:Why would a black person or any person of color who considers themselves such be member of the "wrong racist" league? If you adopt the ideas of the oppressor and turn them around on an oppressor you have already lost since they basically own your mind and have brought you down, in a psychological sense, to their level of thinking.I can comprehend why some of us have a deep distrust for anyone not like us(blacks that are all over the world) especially white people. Keep in mind that the racism I a talking about is the "wrong racism". It is alright to care for your own but do not sit back and assume that all people who have a certain complexion are the same in terms of thoughts and mind,despite the fact that some (including our own) peoples have thoughts of wrong racism but no words or actions to manifest those thoughts in.Also,one thing that must be pointed out is ethnic hate or disdain.We were not always one,we were many different ethnicitiesbut the same skin tone and those various ethinc groups we stem from killed each other,raped each other,and so on.It continues in this day and age in Alkebulan and for some reason the incidents that occur are instigated by a govenment of some sort,like the European and American roles in the overthrow-ment of Kwame Nkrumah.

A person who succumbs to the classic form of bigotry no matter what color they consider themselves to be and no matter if they see it as a form of saving themselves,is a victim of an idea that originated with insecurity on the behalf of a few European kings,Popes,merchants,and political leaders.Those peoples did not necessarily reflect the views of all of Europe,only their own and some others.What is not heavily spoken of in terms of the Trans-Atlantic Slave TRade is the fact that more Afrikans were killed than sold or kidnapped as a result of fighting against some of their own and Europeans,as well as some(some meaning not many,many owned slaves bought from Arabs) white europeans being beheaded for disagreeing with their rulers actions overseas.Those facts are only part of the reason why overzealous generalizations on behalf of us,"hate whitey" remarks or actions,and hatred for one group or another on the basis of something superficial or any other peoples are definetaly wrong and will stagnate us in our quest forward.
I-khan said:
What is not heavily spoken of in terms of the Trans-Atlantic Slave TRade is the fact that more Afrikans were killed than sold or kidnapped as a result of fighting against some of their own

So what caused them to fight? was it not the slave trade of yt? the blame is still on yt for their fighting.

you blaming afrikans for fighting for the sake of yts slave trade is like someone blaming inmates for fighting after they were lied to and deceived by the prison guard.
So what caused them to fight? was it not the slave trade of yt? the blame is still on yt for their fighting.
They disagreed with each other before white slave traders came,white men capitalized on those battles when they got there.It is also true that the slave trade intensified the fighting,but since it was already there when the euros came,they decided to capitalize on it.Such divisions are existent today in the recent " State of Black America" conferences when various "conservative" black people did not show up.

you blaming afrikans for fighting for the sake of yts slave trade is like someone blaming inmates for fighting after they were lied to and deceived by the prison guard.
Did I ever mention blame in there,no.The slave trade in the Atlantic may have even been the first large "blacks vs whites" wars if the various ethnic groups were not divided and fighting amongst themselves before the white men came,indeed they were lied to on many occasions,but they would of never been lied to if the division between them was closed and the oppurtunity for the European slave traders to lie would of never arised in the first place.Speaking of "blacks vs whites" war,I did not mention how the majority of Afrikans that fought against were killed by Europeans.Remember,for every one sold,three were killed,not many Afrikans would be left to do the killing so who do you think did it?The statement I made was not one of those "blacks blame yourselves" but rather posted to use the division that existed back then between the ethnic groups to point out an example of how such peoples who look so much alike can be fooled by a greedy people into making such a large mistake it took generations after for their children to grab and examine such a mistake,and plan to make sure it does not happen again.

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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