Black People Politics : Hillary: Secret History of Democratic Party


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2013
Before anyone makes a decision, see the Democrat party expose, by the thread name above. Is Trump a rapist? Not convicted. A lot of bad stuff said there, if true. So what have we got to vote on here. Please see that movie and then come back with your take on what you learn. It's all documented, incontestable information.

With Trump there are a lot of other good people involved with his presidency if he should win and he won't be a lone pilot of the good ship U.S.A.. I will put my Trust in the Republican people and what they have stood for and what they do stand for. I was shocked to find out that the Democrat party initiated the the KKK. They are the ones. Andrew Jackson wanted the American Indians to "disappear". Davy Crocket went to court against Jackson's Indian Policy to seize Indian lands for the government and then sell it off. Democrats passed it and Jackson signed it. Total Democrat racism in 1820.

Northern Democrats protected slavery. There were no Republican owned slaves at the time of Civil War. Charles Sumner, a Republican, on the floor of Congress was nearly beaten to death with a cane when he denounced slavery.

Ida B. Wells a Republican, as were African Americans, back in that day before the Democrat party pitched the con of social care for the poor and minorities, building the plantation of the urban ghettos when trusting the Democrat Party. To make the case the film maker made in Hillary, the documentary,
this is the way they get your votes. They have some social programs to offer a small way, but no ladder up, and this keeps you depending on the Democrat Party. How do they do all this? Through social engineering, including Hillary's admiration of Margret Sanger and somebody named something like Luenstien with a model that the Clintons in a tag team use for cons at a government level of lies.

This is not all. Names are named, dates are given, and its all a matter of record. I Knew I had a right estimation of the Democrat party, evidently with just the tip of what I was analyzing. So here is the iceberg
. Please go see. Tell us what you think. It's worth while. Done well.

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With Trump there are a lot of other good people involved with his presidency if he should win and he won't be a lone pilot of the good ship U.S.A.. I will put my Trust in the Republican people and what they have stood for and what they do stand for. I was shocked to find out that the Democrat party initiated the the KKK. They are the ones. Andrew Jackson wanted the American Indians to "disappear". Davy Crocket went to court against Jackson's Indian Policy to seize Indian lands for the government and then sell it off. Democrats passed it and Jackson signed it. Total Democrat racism in 1820.

Before anyone makes a decision, see the Democrat party expose, by the thread name above. Is Trump a rapist? Not convicted. A lot of bad stuff said there, if true. So what have we got to vote on here. Please see that movie and then come back with your take on what you learn. It's all documented, incontestable information

Northern Democrats protected slavery. There were no Republican owned slaves at the time of Civil War. Charles Sumner, a Republican, on the floor of Congress was nearly beaten to death with a cane when he denounced slavery.

Ida B. Wells a Republican, as were African Americans, back in that day before the Democrat party pitched the con of social care for the poor and minorities, building the plantation of the urban ghettos when trusting the Democrat Party. To make the case the film maker made in Hillary, the documentary
this is the way they get your votes. They have some social programs to offer a small way, but no ladder up, and this keeps you depending on the Democrat Party. How do they do all this? Through social engineering, including Hillary's admiration of Margret Sanger and somebody named something like Luenstien with a model that the Clintons in a tag team use for cons at a government level of lies.

This is not all. Names are named, dates
are given, and its all a matter of record. I Knew I had a right estimation of the Democrat party, evidently with just the tip of what I was analyzing. So here is the iceberg. Please go see. Tell us what you think. It's worth while. Done well.

Just so you'll know, willa, no excuses, its called white supremacy :facepalm:

What Rep. Steve King Gets Wrong About The Dark Ages -- And Western Civilization

... On Thursday, Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) was ridiculed for suggesting on MSNBC that “white people” had made more of a contribution to civilization than any “subgroup.” He later clarified these comments by saying that it was Western Civilization that had contributed the most to civilization as a whole. A week after his initial comments, King doubled down during an appearance on The Mike Gallagher Show by encouraging the defense of Western Civilization and “white people” in order that we not return to the “Dark Ages”: “I mean, they did that in the beginning of the Dark Ages and we spent centuries of not being able to reason. I don’t want that to happen again” ...


Ted Cruz (L) shares a laugh with US Congressmen Steve King, R-Iowa (C) and Louie Gohmert (R), R-Texas, at the North Star Lounge during a campaign stop in Fenton, Iowa, January 29, 2016, ahead of the Iowa Caucus. (Image Credit: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)


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Just so you'll know, willa, no excuses, its called white supremacy :facepalm:

What Rep. Steve King Gets Wrong About The Dark Ages -- And Western Civilization

... On Thursday, Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) was ridiculed for suggesting on MSNBC that “white people” had made more of a contribution to civilization than any “subgroup.” He later clarified these comments by saying that it was Western Civilization that had contributed the most to civilization as a whole. A week after his initial comments, King doubled down during an appearance on The Mike Gallagher Show by encouraging the defense of Western Civilization and “white people” in order that we not return to the “Dark Ages”: “I mean, they did that in the beginning of the Dark Ages and we spent centuries of not being able to reason. I don’t want that to happen again” ...


Ted Cruz (L) shares a laugh with US Congressmen Steve King, R-Iowa (C) and Louie Gohmert (R), R-Texas, at the North Star Lounge during a campaign stop in Fenton, Iowa, January 29, 2016, ahead of the Iowa Caucus. (Image Credit: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

Possibly he was speaking of America's Constitution which has been a model for other nations to follow. But I agree "no excuses" and I do see social engineering as a personal agenda in the Democrat Party. That is why I have maintained Hillary as being phony, I just didn't know how organized and deep that ideology went, beginning with and through Democrats. I am grieved.
Possibly he was speaking of America's Constitution which has been a model for other nations to follow. But I agree "no excuses" and I do see social engineering as a personal agenda in the Democrat Party. That is why I have maintained Hillary as being phony, I just didn't know how organized and deep that ideology went, beginning with and through Democrats. I am grieved.

No, not even a possibility willa,

Clearly, King's geographical statement of "Dark Ages" had nothing at all to do with the american constitution, it references a specific timeline in history.

But this is what happens when you don't click and read the link offered willa, your reply comment will always miss the point. For example the article contains this basis of fact:


"... Leaving aside the fact that the so-called “Dark Ages” was itself an era largely brought about by western white males and true “Caucasians,” there are other dangers to be found in King’s revisionist history, which champions the superior role of “white people.” Did he forget that Rome had “black” emperors or that early Christian churches had numerous African bishops and writers who shaped Christendom? Septimius Severus and many of the Roman rulers in the 3rd century CE were in fact of African descent. (cont.)..."


Portrait of Septimius Severus, a Roman emperor of African descent, with his Syrian wife, Julia Domna, and two children, Geta [later erased] and Caracalla. (Like their father, they were also of African descent.) Painted on wood in Egypt c.200 CE, but now in the Antikensammlung in Berlin. (Image via Wikimedia.)

"... His comments also raised a lot of questions and concerns among historians who have pointed out that the idea of “Western Civilization” is itself a fiction of the late 19th and early 20th century ..."


This is still not enough for me to vote for Trump--ever. He could be running against a skunk and he couldn't get my vote. For me, it's more than what the party represents historically and has a lot to do with the individual and the words coming out of his mouth. And all the words, not just the way he changes them to fit the temperament of the polls.

With so many people who support hate crimes following him, many of them mentally unstable, he's a far more dangerous choice for Black people to make than just the economy or foreign trade.

When your own party hates you, you know you have a problem.

I definitely don't want him having the authority to fill our next vacant SCOTUS positions or leading the most powerful military in the world. He's juvenile and highly emotional, not to mention narcissistic. I simply can't feed that white man's ego when he doesn't give a hoot about Black people. Republicans...remember, that's Rudy Guiliani's party and don't think for a moment, with all of his race baiting speech, he's not vying for a seat in Trump's cabinet and both are from New York? Oh hayell no!!

The damage that a person like Trump would do to this nation, would set Black people back 200 years and I'm not going there quietly.

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