Black Relationships : High Maintenance and High Standards

cursed heart said:
Ten years ago I would have been angry at this comment. Why?
As an older male you are viewing things from your protective lens.
Some of what you say makes sense.Some??????
Some is bits and pieces of what you have been through.
Telling a woman to close her legs for a minute is also equal to telling a man to keep his pants up. :bellydance: This is BS! Guys dont end up pregnant and on a track for the poor house with the child. This is the part that he's trying to get you to see
Yes women tend to view situations on a more emotional level which blinds her at times. At times? :lol:
Just as some men view things on a physical non-emotional level.Some? Sex is seldom emotional for a man as it is for a female
Which helps to keep him at bay but also keeps him from a good woman.Mookie doesnt, he has a singleminded purpose. He is only looking for the female to be good at one thing
This is where the confusion begins. Confusion?? What confusion?
Women listen with their hearts and not their minds.
Men don't completely tell the truth.Men do tell the truth. You guys are too busy listening to your hearts and not your minds
Half of the time neither one knows whats best for them long term. True
So where is the balance?

The balance comes when both parties grow up. Moreover, when single mothers admit that they did something wrong. Quit trying to get satan kicked out of paradise. And start raising the new generation to be the best that they can be, instead of the worse
Kemetstry said:
The balance comes when both parties grow up. Moreover, when single mothers admit that they did something wrong. Quit trying to get satan kicked out of paradise. And start raising the new generation to be the best that they can be, instead of the worse

I agree !
As far as single mothers doing something wrong is debateable.
legit-writer said:
Um... I'm a virgin.... i think before you start shooting off judging folks... you need to get your facts straight. It sure would be helpful. You have hate against women or something? Oh and another thing.... I didn't continue to stay with that person...we weren't even together long enough. He did me a favor by breaking up with me.
if you are young and inexperienced then perhaps you should not be playing with the big doggs. if you come and post with the adults expect adult responses. if you cannot handle that then stay with the young. as for knowing all the facts i know what you put out. i do not read minds. don't put out half the story and then get your panties all ina bunch.

cursed heart said:
As far as single mothers doing something wrong is debatable.
no, that is not debatable. until black females stop having OOW children the community is not going to advance.
until sisters stop opening up for the playas, all they will ever get is playas.

black people need to wake up, clean up and stand up.

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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