Black Relationships : Here's Why Black Women Should Stop Complaining About the Male/Female Ratio


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
We've been hearing a lot of chatter lately about the disproportionate number of black men available to black women for dating, long-term relationships, and marriage. Walk along the streets of Atlanta or Washington D.C., and you'll hear sistas vehemently denouncing the stats. Both cities have approximately 1.2% more females than males, and both are ranked in the top ten of America’s most populous cities. Even in less populated regions where women between ages 25 – 42 outnumber men by 0.8% or less, black women protest just as much.

They aren't complaining about a lack of quality men; many women apparently think the quality factor has been diminished for quite some time. Instead, women are grousing over the far-fetched notion that to couple themselves with a man of good character, they must reluctantly bend the rules of social etiquette and actually approach some of these brothas.

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For me it before HS and after HS
Most of the women I have been with, I approached initially, since leaving high school....In High School it was the opposite.
There was a brief time in my working career when I was making mucho dinero and because of my job title and position I had to dress and carrying myself in a certain manner....women did approach me but I never got with then, Probable for the same reason I assume they were approaching me.
For me it before HS and after HS
Most of the women I have been with, I approached initially, since leaving high school....In High School it was the opposite.
There was a brief time in my working career when I was making mucho dinero and because of my job title and position I had to dress and carrying myself in a certain manner....women did approach me but I never got with then, Probable for the same reason I assume they were approaching me.
Are you saying that a women (at that time in your life )would not stand a chance? You didn't find the fact she wanted a professional looking male with earning potential more appealing? Is it better she approached a scrub? So we can't have a standard for initial contact? It can't be about how you look but we're often approached because of how we look? When would it have beenokay for a woman to approach you?

FYI, I never, ever approach a guy first. Just not with it. I may show slight interest with eye contact but that is as far as I am willing to go.

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