Black Spirituality Religion : Has Anyone Ever Had An Experience With A Divine Force who is Human?

I've never ran into someone that was really super God-like that was levitating,etc, but I have come across a few brothers and sisters that have put me up on some information that at the time had my head turning.

Also that voice in the head out of nowhere has said some deep things that I myself knew wasn't a part of my conscious thought process, so I can call the a divine force.
Here is another question that I think have some validity based on this threads topic.

Have any of you come in contact with beings that you know and believe doesn't exist within out world or even dimension:

I never hear black folks talking about meaning ET's but maybe because there is something different that is contacting us which has nothing to do with Annunaki's, Reptilian, Plaedians, and even Draconian's.

I was 19 years old and hood if you will but I had an encounter at a liquor store with two white boys and a female that started gang-bangin on me. I looked at them and felt totally disrespected but in my opinion I thought I was being nice by tell them to move around. Of course I'm going to see it as nice from my perspective though I'm pretty sure they would have a different opinion; I really didn't come at them rude or curse them. They started throwing up their colors not knowing that I was on my way out of that foolishness (Note: this was 18 years ago) yet I had two rags in my pocket like a dummy.

Anyways they jumped out of their car and my friends were looking about to walk over to this situation but these white boys didn't see them because it was far to dark for them to see. I lifted up my hand and told them no!!! I was trying to give them another chance but like Euro's they didn't take it so I swiftly put them both to sleep with a left cross and a straight right ... lol.

I turned to walk away and the female jumped on my back trying to scratch me so I elbowed her off of me and they all was laid out together. I went into the store and like youngster do I was drinking. When I ran out of Alcohol I went back to the story 15 minutes later drunk as a skunk. I was walking and I heard this truck moving toward me at high speeds but its lights were off. I jumped out of the way and it missed me, but because it was so dark I couldn't see I tried to run into the store. When I got to a sharp corner from coming from around the corner the truck reappeared and I knew I was dead because it reappeared 10 in front of me moving at least 40 miles per hour in an attempt to kill me.

I stopped running and just inches before it hit me (literally), a bright flash of light came from the right side of my body moving in speeds unspeakable and grabbed my body, picking me up and throwing me 8 feet out of the way. One of my cousins saw what happened and ran me to the house. He could have done something real bad to the driver which he would of if he hadn't of saw what he saw. He sat there an starred at me while repeatedly asking me ... how did I do that ...

I told him that I saw a flash of light moving faster then anything that I have ever saw pick me up and throw me to the side into some bushes. I hit a branch that scratched my back when I landed but to this day I will never forget the experience along with many others.

I have many stories which has experiences like this but not only with light beings but beings that cannot be seen with the physical eye preforming physical acts that you can feel.

Was this a light being ... and are we as black folks consistently talking about not seeing beings when in fact we see them not as white Europeans but as different types of energy (light beings).

Are this our angels or ancestors coming in the most physical form allowed giving us divine assistance. We we encounter someone in the physical form looking like us, are they angels in the sense of the literal meaning 'messenger'?

Peace and Blessings
I've never ran into someone that was really super God-like that was levitating,etc, but I have come across a few brothers and sisters that have put me up on some information that at the time had my head turning.

Also that voice in the head out of nowhere has said some deep things that I myself knew wasn't a part of my conscious thought process, so I can call the a divine force.

It didnt just come from nowhere. Its that "inner voice" and "innerVision".

Here is another question that I think have some validity based on this threads topic.

Have any of you come in contact with beings that you know and believe doesn't exist within out world or even dimension:

I never hear black folks talking about meaning ET's but maybe because there is something different that is contacting us which has nothing to do with Annunaki's, Reptilian, Plaedians, and even Draconian's.

I was 19 years old and hood if you will but I had an encounter at a liquor store with two white boys and a female that started gang-bangin on me. I looked at them and felt totally disrespected but in my opinion I thought I was being nice by tell them to move around. Of course I'm going to see it as nice from my perspective though I'm pretty sure they would have a different opinion; I really didn't come at them rude or curse them. They started throwing up their colors not knowing that I was on my way out of that foolishness (Note: this was 18 years ago) yet I had two rags in my pocket like a dummy.

Anyways they jumped out of their car and my friends were looking about to walk over to this situation but these white boys didn't see them because it was far to dark for them to see. I lifted up my hand and told them no!!! I was trying to give them another chance but like Euro's they didn't take it so I swiftly put them both to sleep with a left cross and a straight right ... lol.

I turned to walk away and the female jumped on my back trying to scratch me so I elbowed her off of me and they all was laid out together. I went into the store and like youngster do I was drinking. When I ran out of Alcohol I went back to the story 15 minutes later drunk as a skunk. I was walking and I heard this truck moving toward me at high speeds but its lights were off. I jumped out of the way and it missed me, but because it was so dark I couldn't see I tried to run into the store. When I got to a sharp corner from coming from around the corner the truck reappeared and I knew I was dead because it reappeared 10 in front of me moving at least 40 miles per hour in an attempt to kill me.

I stopped running and just inches before it hit me (literally), a bright flash of light came from the right side of my body moving in speeds unspeakable and grabbed my body, picking me up and throwing me 8 feet out of the way. One of my cousins saw what happened and ran me to the house. He could have done something real bad to the driver which he would of if he hadn't of saw what he saw. He sat there an starred at me while repeatedly asking me ... how did I do that ...

I told him that I saw a flash of light moving faster then anything that I have ever saw pick me up and throw me to the side into some bushes. I hit a branch that scratched my back when I landed but to this day I will never forget the experience along with many others.

I have many stories which has experiences like this but not only with light beings but beings that cannot be seen with the physical eye preforming physical acts that you can feel.

Was this a light being ... and are we as black folks consistently talking about not seeing beings when in fact we see them not as white Europeans but as different types of energy (light beings).

Are this our angels or ancestors coming in the most physical form allowed giving us divine assistance. We we encounter someone in the physical form looking like us, are they angels in the sense of the literal meaning 'messenger'?

Peace and Blessings

YES! No doubt about it.
Greetings everyone. Some of you have shared some really profound encounters. This thread made me want to share an experience too, that has had my head swirling since it happened in the mid 90's on 42nd street in New York. This is pretty long but it has been bothering me for so many years.

I used to sell incense, oils and african/religious/conspiracy books on the street. I used to get alot of strange stares and looks because of my inventory. At the time, 42nd didn't look as bright as it do now. Many of the storefronts were closed since this was right after they shut down all the porn stores to rebuild what it is now. It was around Christmas and business was good with many people walking up and down to hit the train stations. Aside from the strange characters that would stop by my table to have religious debates, I usually had a lot of vagrants visit me daily to talk in the mornings mainly to get a cup of hot coffee or spare change. This one vagrant, or so I thought he was, visited me 3 times.

Day 1: He was a dark black man with a mustache and goatie, short afro, in dark blue or black coat. He looked homeless but did not smell. He appeared to be a handsome man underneath it all with nice straight white teeth. He approached my table and asked me how much was a particular ring. I used to sell silver jewelry as well. This silver ring had a black oval shaped onyx on it. I believe I told him it was $12. He smiled at me as if he knew something I didn't. I looked at him thinking he didn't have the money anyway and said I'll give it to him for $9. He went into his pocket and pulled out exactly 9 crumpled dollar bills. I remember wondering how did he pull out the exact amount from his pocket. He took the ring.

He stuck around and asked my name. I gave him a fake name (Maryjane, the Rick James Maryjane) and he knew it too. At the same time, there was something about him that I was drawn to. He then asked me if I was married and I said no. He said back that he loved me. I scoffed and he continued to tell me how much he loved me and wanted to marry me. Nonsense typical male talk I thought coming from this homeless vagrant but I was truly drawn to him and didn't know why. Customers started approaching and he left, me thinking i wouldn't see him again.

Day 2: Well, he stopped by again. I remember it was still bright outside because rush hour didnt' commence as yet. I swear I was put into a trance because one minute it was broad daylight, next minute it was nearing the end of rush hour in the night. At the same time, we started our conversation on the side of my table and ended it about 3 stores down. I do not remember walking not one step and do not remember people walking by until it was over.

He started asking me to marry him again and how much he loved me and how fragile and sensitive I was (didn't understand the fragile and sensitive part until years later). Then he asked "Are you in love, Maryjane?" At the time I was going through a love that I lost but I don't remember what I said to him but I do remember thinking this guy is really starting to freak me out. I got used to the wierdos I encountered in what I still believe is called the 'belly of the beast" (42nd street) and I think he sensed that. I asked him who are you? He didn't give me a name but said that he was like god. and god is like a gangster. okay. this is part that freaked me out. he pointed to a truck driving by and said if he wanted to he could take his finger and overturn the truck and if i want to see it. i said no and felt fear. everytime i felt fear somehow he sensed it and this calming feeling would come over me. the next stuff he said were freaky and fear came over again. first he started off telling me how much he loved me again and how beautiful and fragile I am and so forth then said that he had a penthouse on the top floor of a building and pointed to a building towards the west side on 42nd street (visible tall building). Then he wanted to take me there and f**ck the sh**t out of me and as he was saying these things I felt a strange sexual feeling overcome me along with fear again. The whole time i was still in this wierd trance, like no one existed on 42nd street except for me and him. When he said these vulgar things, I was even more drawn to him this time even more sexually but at the same time I was fighting fighting to break the feeling. Something wanted me to go to this "penthouse" with him and in the back of my if I did want it I would have been in that penthouse in a split second which was blocks away. But my true self fought it so much because I knew it was wrong. I don't know how to explain it any other way but this man had some kind of hold on me that I couldn't shake. He had some sort of power I couldn't understand because I actually envisioned for about 2 seconds us having sexual intercourse, as if it was happening at the very moment in the penthouse but just a flash of it in my mind. He felt what was going through my mind how i was fighting but my final thought was, no this is not right, and i felt something pull me back to a safe feeling again. He smiled as if he just finished putting me through some test and said "I love you, Maryjane" and more marriage proposal talk. I felt that warm feeling again that drew me to him. He asked me to give him a kiss on the cheek. Don't you know I did and it was the sweetest kiss I've ever given. I still don't remember anyone walking past us on the streets. Then he proceed to tell me things about myself and my parents, things that he should not have known, things that have been hidden in my heart that no one else should have known and told me things that have recently came true that had a huge impact on me. After he told me these things, suddenly the world began to reappear again and it was nightime. I sort of snapped out of a dream and looked around to be 3 storefronts away from my table. I ran to it to check if anything was stolen. Everything was left as I last remembered earlier in the daylight. I was shocked and more shocked when I looked at my watch which said after 6pm. It felt as if we were only speaking with him for like 5 minutes or less but apparently 2 hours went by and no one stole anything???? As I was going through this aftershock, customers started approaching and I reluctantly tended to them still keeping my eye on him and his on me. He started walking away and customers were still looking around the table as I kept my eye on him walking down the block. I heard a lady asked how much was a particular ring or earring. With my eye still on him walking away, for not even a split second, I turned to her and told her the price, looked back at him and he disappeared. When I say disappear, he vanished into thin air. The guy had no store to go into, no alley and around this time the rush hour was dying down so i was able to see everyone walking down the block. all the storeshad gates pulled down, no where to go but to the corner which would have taken him about 3-4 minutes to do on foot. 42nd between 7th and 8th ave is a long block and I was located in the middle where that old nasty movie house used to be. That man disappeared and I was so shocked, drained, puzzled, so many different things. But tended to the ladies who gave me a good sale and packed up my table right afterwards and went home. Dazed the whole ride on the train all the way home in brooklyn. The trance, the fact that he knew me, he knew what was in my heart and him vanishing into thin air was an experience I'll never ever forget.

Day 3: He comes back again towards the end of rush hour. He approached the table and told me he wanted to give back the ring he bought. I was puzzled and don't think I had enough change on me or something. I thought it was $12 dollars I charged him but remember giving him back the 9 dollars. I somehow felt that I didn't give him enough and didn't really want to give a refund. I remember trying to talk him out of it but he was confident to return it. I gave him back the$9 and he placed the ring in the exact spot that he purchased it from. He left and that was the last time I saw him because I decided to never sell from that spot again and closed up shop.

A couple of years later, still in the 90's, I was in prospect park in the summertime just enjoying the scenery when I swear I saw the same man from a distance sitting under a tree. Same hair, same complexion, same feeling. I stared for a minute and walked away. I couldn't handle it. I looked back at the tree after a few paces and the man was no longer sitting under the tree.

I've had other experiences like getting on the BACK of a train with an ex boyfriend having an enjoyable conversation the entire ride to head home only to get off in the FRONT of the train. We never changed seats or switched cars, just sat in the same two seats in the back car the whole time. We looked at each other like wdf just happened, we are in the front of the train now. Somehow we moved without moving??

But nothing took the cake like the man on 42nd.

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YAAAAAAAAAAY @Cindy ... :love:
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