Whenever you put
your hands on
white ~
you educate...
A 'designer' of emotions
you've conformed ~~
with grammatical engineering
skills defining moments
of our lives
...ruins that crumble...
you have re-decorated and restored
With every stroke
of influence
you exhibit...bodymindwork
uncovering physical
and emotional stresses;
sculpting lyrically
to heal
through the use
of manipulative therapy
...and you
significantly reduce
the pain
your hands on
white ~
you educate...
A 'designer' of emotions
you've conformed ~~
with grammatical engineering
skills defining moments
of our lives
...ruins that crumble...
you have re-decorated and restored
With every stroke
of influence
you exhibit...bodymindwork
uncovering physical
and emotional stresses;
sculpting lyrically
to heal
through the use
of manipulative therapy
...and you
significantly reduce
the pain