Destee Family and Mother Destee, this is a thread I would like for us to use to pitch ideas that might just work for our people and our communities. I come up with ideas all the time, some of you already know this. I know there are a few others in the community that also come up with very brilliant ideas.
So this is our "Good Idea? Bad Idea?" thread.
I promised myself I would take our Queen Sistah Truetothecause's advice, and try to create things that we can ALL WIN at. Queen True..here's a Brotha that actually listens.
I hope that all the good ideas we vote for on this thread, can actually find their way into the real world.
And since I started off the topic, I'll shoot first- with an idea I've been pondering for some time now.
I think highheel shoes with goldfish in them would be a good idea for our people. These kinds of shoes will be a conversation piece wherever we decided to walk, they will attract so much --What? You mean someone already beat me to it? Let's start over then.
Black Family Discount Cards
Black business owners tell me all the time that its hard to compete in the marketplace for the black dollar, we speak more with everyone else but ourselves. And because we do, it seems that others usually have cheaper and better products and services, this is not always true. Some Black businesses aren't given the time to be tried out, and need us to pay attention to them.
I thought, it might be nice to create some type of incentive to get our people to spend money with Black businesses. I figured discount cards might help. First, these businesses would have to agree to the cards that can offer anywhere from 10-25% off products and services. These cards can be used to target single Black Mothers as well. Hair Salons would use these cards to attract business, Barbershops, Mechanics etc.
Family discount cards can be used to define the individual as well. "Single Black Mother" discount card. "Hard Working Black Man" discount card. Well, you get the idea. It's just an inviting way to excite the relationship between Black businesses and Black consumers.
I know single Mothers especially would appreciate this type of card.
Destee Family and Mother Destee, this is a thread I would like for us to use to pitch ideas that might just work for our people and our communities. I come up with ideas all the time, some of you already know this. I know there are a few others in the community that also come up with very brilliant ideas.
So this is our "Good Idea? Bad Idea?" thread.
I promised myself I would take our Queen Sistah Truetothecause's advice, and try to create things that we can ALL WIN at. Queen True..here's a Brotha that actually listens.
I hope that all the good ideas we vote for on this thread, can actually find their way into the real world.
And since I started off the topic, I'll shoot first- with an idea I've been pondering for some time now.
I think highheel shoes with goldfish in them would be a good idea for our people. These kinds of shoes will be a conversation piece wherever we decided to walk, they will attract so much --What? You mean someone already beat me to it? Let's start over then.
Black Family Discount Cards
Black business owners tell me all the time that its hard to compete in the marketplace for the black dollar, we speak more with everyone else but ourselves. And because we do, it seems that others usually have cheaper and better products and services, this is not always true. Some Black businesses aren't given the time to be tried out, and need us to pay attention to them.
I thought, it might be nice to create some type of incentive to get our people to spend money with Black businesses. I figured discount cards might help. First, these businesses would have to agree to the cards that can offer anywhere from 10-25% off products and services. These cards can be used to target single Black Mothers as well. Hair Salons would use these cards to attract business, Barbershops, Mechanics etc.
Family discount cards can be used to define the individual as well. "Single Black Mother" discount card. "Hard Working Black Man" discount card. Well, you get the idea. It's just an inviting way to excite the relationship between Black businesses and Black consumers.
I know single Mothers especially would appreciate this type of card.