Black Spirituality Religion : God is a Human Being according to the Bible

Okay, I'm counting. The Lord appeared in his spirit, "and lo, three men stood by him." Gen. 18: 2 The angels left but only two showed up at Lot's house. One of those angels visited someone else. :icon7:

I see what you are saying, my Sister ("Sister" presuming that you are not a White woman,) but do you think that you are adding to that Scripture by saying "in his spirit?"

I see what you are saying, my Sister ("Sister" presuming that you are not a White woman,) but do you think that you are adding to that Scripture by saying "in his spirit?"

No, for this reason Brother Ecks, Christ was not born to the flesh in the days of Genesis. By his name as spirit we knew him, Jehovah. If you need scriptural proof that Jehovah is the Christ, I can give it to you. I appreciate for the convo. :icon7:
No, for this reason Brother Ecks, Christ was not born to the flesh in the days of Genesis. By his name as spirit we knew him, Jehovah. If you need scriptural proof that Jehovah is the Christ, I can give it to you. I appreciate for the convo. :icon7:

Thanks, my Sister:). I appreciate the convo as well.

I see what you are saying, but it is hard for me to believe that none of those men was the Most High God. "Spirit" means the energy of human life, so spirit is only the energy that moves flesh & blood. So Jehovah, we see ate and rested in Gen. 18:1-5, things which a Human Being does.

I believe that "the Father" in the New Testament is a different human being other than Jesus. My proof for that is Mark 13:32 which reads: "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Here Jesus says that he does not know while the Father does know. If he doesn't know but the Father does know then that proves that Jesus is not the Father by the laws of logic...what Scriptures do you say show that Jesus is Jehovah?

Peace & Brotherly Love,
As Salaam Alaikum!

No one can show you the scripture where Jesus makes the claim he was Jehovah. He was a servant of Jehovah or whatever name we may want to Use. He told the people on many occasions He was sent to do the will of Jehovah and be the perfect example of Obedience to the Laws and commandments of Jehovah. Not many religious people want to us "Critical Thinking" when dealing with scripture or anything really. In my spiritual infantry I used to be the same way couldn't no one tell me anything and what I thought was right. But the more i studied and grew and I still have a lot of growing to do the more I am starting to gain understanding.I believe we need to stop making idols out of the servants of God and fallow there example of Obedience.
Thanks, my Sister:). I appreciate the convo as well.

I see what you are saying, but it is hard for me to believe that none of those men was the Most High God. "Spirit" means the energy of human life, so spirit is only the energy that moves flesh & blood. So Jehovah, we see ate and rested in Gen. 18:1-5, things which a Human Being does.

I believe that "the Father" in the New Testament is a different human being other than Jesus. My proof for that is Mark 13:32 which reads: "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Here Jesus says that he does not know while the Father does know. If he doesn't know but the Father does know then that proves that Jesus is not the Father by the laws of logic...what Scriptures do you say show that Jesus is Jehovah?

Peace & Brotherly Love,
You are absolutely right. The Father is different. Jehovah is not the Father but the Son who is not yet born to the flesh. Neither the Father nor the Son are (hu)man. To be "human" is to be mortal. They are immortal, a perfect Man, (Ahman and Son Ahman) each. We (hu)-man are fallen. Remember Jesus is the son of Mary so he has the ability to lay down his life and it says "no man can take it" from him, because his Father is GOD, and therefore Christ is also a God; but not THE GOD because the Lord worships his Father, GOD. Here is the proof that it is not the Father bringing miracles to Israel in the wilderness, but the Son in Spirit.

The spirit is us we have a body in spirit. We are not energy, we are intelligence and personality, because we are children of GOD, the Father of us, our spirit selves. Our body of flesh is the temple in which we live and we are suppose to keep it holy. This body will die; but we don't. We have to wait until our flesh bodies are resurrected, meaning our spirit us is reunited with our flesh, but, this time inseparable, immortal, and this adds to our fulness of joy. I found in my studies, the names Ahman and Son Ahman It might have been in the Book of Enoch. I don't remember. However it makes perfect sense with what else I know such as what the scriptures say about us as spirit children.

The God working with the house of Israel in the Old Testament is Jehovah, called LORD. 1 Corinthians 10: 1 - 5 "Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud (glory of God) and all passed through the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual meat; and did all drink the same spiritual Rock that followed them (Jehovah): and that Rock was Christ".

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