Black Spirituality Religion : From Your Understanding How Long Was Jesus On Earth After He Was Resurrection?

lo, the Savior appeared, after departing from us while we gazed after him. And five hundred and fifty days since he had risen from the dead, we said to him, "Have you departed and removed yourself from us?" But Jesus said, "No, but I shall go to the place from whence I came. If you wish to come with me, come!"
They all answered and said, "If you bid us, we come."

Is this understanding (Gnostic text) 'biblical' or would it be considered 'extra-biblical'?

How would this understanding confirm the Mormon gospel in regards to Jesus appearing in America, and who in America at that time would have confirmed his appearance? According to what pre-Columbian texts? Is there any evidence of these appearances?
In the Book Of Mormon 3 Nephi Jesus appeared to the people in the Americas and blessed/baptised a group of children from the fires of heaven.
From wikipedia...The book of 3 Nephi is of particular importance within the Book of Mormon because it contains an account of a visit by Jesus from heaven to the Americas sometime after his resurrection and ascension. The text says that during this American visit, he repeated much of the same doctrine and instruction given in the Gospels of the Bible and he established an enlightened, peaceful society which endured for several generations, but which eventually broke into warring factions again.
In the Book Of Mormon 3 Nephi Jesus appeared to the people in the Americas and blessed/baptised a group of children from the fires of heaven.

I know but in the BOM it talks about Him descending from heaven numerous times to teach the Nephites. I don't think this is the same as him walking among the people after the resurrection. To the Mormons he keep ascending and descending. He even takes some of the Nephites to heaven but instructs them to not record their experiences.
From wikipedia...The book of 3 Nephi is of particular importance within the Book of Mormon because it contains an account of a visit by Jesus from heaven to the Americas sometime after his resurrection and ascension. The text says that during this American visit, he repeated much of the same doctrine and instruction given in the Gospels of the Bible and he established an enlightened, peaceful society which endured for several generations, but which eventually broke into warring factions again.

Have you actually read 3 Nephites chapter 11?

I read somewhere that the dating of this account is about 100 ad. This is 67 years after his death. So, when was his first resurrection, and how does the Mormon account fit according to biblical chronology?

I actually used to attend the Mormon temple on occasion in Los Angeles and have thought of these same questions for years so excuse my questioning. You may be correct. I am just trying to piece this together from a historical standpoint.

I know the place in question was Zerahemla but where was this located? The early Nephites were supposed to have had most of their early settlements destroyed but earthquakes and other calamities.
Have you actually read 3 Nephites chapter 11?

I read somewhere that the dating of this account is about 100 ad. This is 67 years after his death. So, when was his first resurrection, and how does the Mormon account fit according to biblical chronology?

I actually used to attend the Mormon temple on occasion in Los Angeles and have thought of these same questions for years so excuse my questioning. You may be correct. I am just trying to piece this together from a historical standpoint.

I know the place in question was Zerahemla but where was this located? The early Nephites were supposed to have had most of their early settlements destroyed but earthquakes and other calamities.

Be blessed brother and excuse my naivity about Mormonism. I have only serious began to read some texts these past several months. I'm still trying to absorb it all. I am aware that a lot of people question the truthfullness of the book of Mormon

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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