Brother AACOOLDRE : Freemasonry:blood Sacrifices


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2001

The Murdered Apprentice by Richard Poe

Renegade freemason who practices human sacrifices to advance themselves monetarily is clearly a deviation of the true practice. All human sacrifices were ended with the cult of Osiris before or shortly after the first Egyptian dynasties (3100BC). All Human sacrificed now are substituted by symbolic images of people in wood, stone or other representations like that of waxed duplicates.

Because music is one of the crafts of freemasonry many of today’s youth believe that singers and actors have been killed by the illuminati. The illuminati come up from knights Templar from Scottish Rite freemasonry after they pass the 33rd degree. The charge of homosexuality is a false one too by torture confessions. Homosexuality as a means to defame black people can be traced to the blueprint of the Babylonian Talmud. Not to say the Illuminati doesn’t use it against us. Some of the bad/evil masons corrupt the true teachings of Egypt. For example they use obelisks as the phallus of the missing penis of Osiris to worship when in fact it’s symbolic of erection/resurrection back to life with the help of his wife Isis. The freemason takes Hiram as a substitute for Osiris and the penis as a password for Mah-hah-bone.

So the line of the secret teachings goes in this direction:

1. Egyptians Osiris & Ptah, god of all Crafts/Masonry discover of fire

2. Phoenicians/Greeks

3. Etruscans from Italy

4. Knights Templars our first multinational corporation

5. Freemasons/ Scottish Rite changed name after they fled to Scotland in 1307

This is the order from which information was passed.

Freemasons have long regarded the Knights Templars as a crucial source of their occult doctrines. Many historians would agree. In case after case, the most cherished rites, symbols and traditions of the masons have been traced directly to some Templar forerunner. The appearance of masonic emblems on 600 year old Templar tombstones at athlit is only one of many such instances. Yet, even if we accept the Templar origin of freemasonry, we are still left with a nagging question: where did the Templars acquire their secret doctrines in the first place?

One possible answer lies in a remote Scottish church named Rosslyn chapel. The church overlooks the wild and wooded canyon of the north Esk River, a few miles south of Edinburgh. Built in the 15th century, Rosslyn chapel is best known for its elaborate and mysterious carvings, many devoted to pagan and magical motifs. Figures such as the green man-a Celtic fertility god-peer out from every nook and cranny, hinting at secrets from some darker, more primitive past.

Perhaps the most haunting of Rosslyn chapel’s carvings appears over the western door-the face of a young man with a large gash on his right forehead. According to legend, he is the murdered Apprentice. The woman who appears on his right is called his widowed mother. Legend holds that a master mason working on Rosslyn chapel left for Rome one day, leaving a certain column unfinished. The master returned to find that his apprentice had completed the job for him. Seeing that his apprentice had completed the job for him more beautifully than he ever could, the envious mason killed his protégé with a blow to the head. To this day, the wondrously carved “Apprentice Pillar” stands at the eastern end of Rosslyn chapel.

Some readers may have noticed that this tale bears a strong resemblance to another story of a murdered apprentice-the legend of Daedalus and his nephew talos. Like the master mason of Rosslyn chapel, Daedalus murdered his apprentice when he saw that the boy’s talents surpassed his own. The Greek myth also relates that upon hearing news of talos death, his mother, perdix-daidalos sister- hanged herself in despair. Both talos and perdix were subsequently worshipped as gods, immortalized in shrines on the Athenian Acropolis-just as the murdered apprentice and his widowed mother were commemorated in stone at Rosslyn chapel.

There seems little doubt that the legend of the murdered apprentice served some ritual purpose in the minds of whoever built Rosslyn chapel. Equally certain are that the builders of the chapel based this tale on the story of Daedalus and talos. But why? What interest did anyone up in the wilds of 15th century Scotland have in an obscure Greek myth about craftsman who killed his apprentice? Until recently, there was no sure answer to this question.

A possible answer has emerged, however, from the investigations of two British researchers. In 1978, Michael baigent and Richard Leigh made a stunning discovery. While in Scotland to research a television documentary on the Templars, they stumbled on a curious graveyard in the village of kilmartin, in Argyll. It contained some eighty tombstones, dating from the 14th to 18th centuries, all marked with Templar or masonic emblems. Subsequent research disclosed that the Kilmartin church yard was only one of 16 Templar burial grounds in Argyll. Baigent and Leigh had found compelling proof that a colony of Templars lived in Scotland generations after the order had supposedly been disbanded by the King of France and the pope in 1312. The Pope that same year banned usury because the king owed money to the Templars, the first to bring on a prototype of banking, fractional reserves, letters of deposit, handling fees etc. etc.

The fate of the Templars order has long been cloaked in mystery. On Friday the 13, 1307, all Europe was shocked when King Philippe IV of France suddenly arrested every Templar in his domain. Within a few weeks, hundreds had confessed to a shocking list of crimes, ranging from the worship of pagan idols to the practice of obscene (misinterpreted) sexual rites and the denial of Christ.

Since these confessions were extracted under torture, it is hard to know how much of them to believe. [Pope had pardoned the Templars and accepted their explanation of charges of sodomy and blasphemy]. That the Templars held unorthodox beliefs seems evident from the mystical allegories permeating the grail Romances. Nevertheless, most historians agree that Philippe IV’s attack on the Templars probably owed more to his greed for Templar properties than to any sudden attack of religious zeal on his part.

Rightly or wrongly, the pope clement V was soon persuaded to withdraw his support from the Templar order because they were defamed and could no longer properly defend Christendom. On November 22, 1307, he called on all Christian kings to hunt down and arrest the Templars wherever they might be found. Hundreds were burned at the stake. But many more disappeared into thin air. Indeed, the entire Templar fleet and all the treasures of the order vanished without a trace. Rumors circulated for years about where the fugitive Templars might have fled.

Scotland was often mentioned as a possible destination. One English Templar actually confessed to his interrogators that some of his brethren had fled there. Moreover, Scotland seemed a likely hideout, since it lay outside the pope’s jurisdiction. The Scottish king Robert the Bruce, had been excommunicated since 1306 when he murdered his rival, John Comyn, in a church. Moreover, Bruce was engaged in a savage war against England and could not afford to be choosy about his allies. He would undoubtedly have welcomed such highly trained warriors as Templars, no matter what accusations had made against them . indeed, persistent rumors have suggested , over the centuries, that it was a charge of Templar cavalry that won the day for Bruce in 1314 at the battle of Bannockburn, where Scotland finally gained its independence.

{The battle of of Bannockburn occurred on St John’s day June 24, 1314. St John’s day is a special day freemasons. Thomas Paine who wrote an essay called the Origins of freemasonry said: “The day called St Johns day is called midsummer-day. The sun is then arrived at the summer solstice. The masons light fires on top of the hills…emblematical reference to the sun, which on that day is at his highest summer elevation, and might in common language be said to have arrived at the top of the hill”. In Egyptian mythology of one of their creation stories Ptah the discover of fire puts fire/sun on top of a hill that emerges from the Nile waters.

Upon reading an old 1895 book on A history of England by Charles Oman: King Edward met no opposition till he reached the burn of Bannockburn. There he found Bruce and his host of 40,000 men posted on a rising ground. Edward’s knights could not break through the sturdy pikemen, and at last recoiled in disorder. At this moment a mass of Scottish camp followers came rushing over the hill and were taken by the exhausted English for a new army. Edward great host broke up and fled”. I could image that some of these masons fighting on St John’s day coming down from a hill would have touches in their hand in imitation of the craftsman’s god Ptah. I now believe that the masonic main symbol of the compass and square shaped like a pyramid/hill with the sun on top with the letter G is for ptah}

The Templar cemeteries discovered by baigent and Leigh provided strong evidence that the legend was true. It seemed that a large contingent of Templars had indeed found refuge in Scotland. In their 1989 book, The temple and the Lodge, Baigent and Leigh further revealed that Templar fugitives had intermarried with the Scottish clans through the years, passing on their architectural and occult traditions to succeeding generations. One of the clans most heavily saturated with Templar lore, according to baigent and Leigh, was that of the Sinclair’s. Of this ancient dynasty, a cryptic 17 century letter states: “The lairds of Rosslyn have been great architects and patrons of building for many generations. They are obliged to receive the mason’s word which is a secret signal masons have throughout the world to know one another by.

In 1441 King James II of Scotland appointed one of these lairds of Roslyn-Sir William Sinclair-as patron and protector of Scottish masons. The title was hereditary, meant to remain in the Sinclair family forever. Why they merited such an honor is unknown. But it is clear that William Sinclair was a special man. Not only was he trained as an architect-unusual in itself for a Scottish lord-but he was evidently privy to whatever secret architectural tradition the Templars had brought with them to Scotland. Sinclair sought to immortalize that tradition in the carvings and sacred proportions of Rosslyn Chapel.

Sinclair undertook the buildings of Rosslyn chapel in 1446. It was finished forty years later by his son Oliver. If the Sinclair’s were as crucial in the formation of modern freemasonry as baigent and Leigh assert, then the arcane messages inscribed on the walls of Rosslyn Chapel provide an unusually clear window into masonic thinking more than 200 years before the brotherhood went public. Judging by those carvings alone, we would have to conclude that the tale of the murdered apprentice was of central importance to Masons in the fifteenth century.

It seems a fair bet that the Daedalus story-and the ritual it represented-was directly inherited from the knights Templar who took refuge in Scotland after 1307. {Diodorus of Sicily reports: “The proportions of the ancient statues of Egypt are the same as those made by Daedalus among the Greeks and the labyrinth where humans were sacrificed to the monster Minotaur}. But where had the Templars learned of this myth? And what did it mean to them?

One hint comes from Etruscan artifacts found in Italy. The Etruscans dominated Italy’s northwestern coast from about 900 to 300 bc. They were a wealthy, seafaring people, who also happened to have been great architects and engineers. The Etruscans taught the Romans to build roads, aqueducts, and even the so-called Roman arch-which should more accurately be called the Etruscan arch. Like the Romans, the Etruscans owed much of their civilization to Greece. They wrote with Greek letters, made Grecian Art, and worshiped Greek gods. It probably from the Greeks that the Etruscans learned to build. [Herodotus reports Phoenicians gave Greeks writing book 5:58 and that the names of Greek gods were brought into Greece by Egypt book 2:52. One thing omitted that the Phoenicians got their writing from Egypt]

Several Etruscan artifacts have been found featuring what appear to be early masonic emblems-all associated with carvings or statues of Daedalus and his craftsman son Ikaros. The oldest of these is a gold seal, from about 470BC, on which the embossed figures of Daedalus and Ikaros are clearly labeled with the Etruscan forms of their names. Both wear the traditional short chiton of the Greek artisan. In his hands, Daedalus carries a saw and an adze, ikaros a double axe and a T-square.

It is provocative to find the cult of Daedalus thriving in Italy at the very moment in history when architecture and civil engineering took root in that country. Even more provocative, however, is the fact that these early followers of Daedalus appear to have used craftsmen’s tools as cult emblems-a practice they shared with the knights Templar and freemasons. The use of such emblems, as we have seen, has been a distinguishing hallmark of masonic groups throughout history. There is evidence that it goes all the way back to Egypt.

The Egyptian opening of the mouth ceremony, employed craftsman’s tools-specifically the adze and chisel-for ritual purposes. In that ceremony, a priest, playing the role of Ptah, would touch the mouth of the statue with a chisel, to impart the gift of speech. A priest playing the god of Anubis would then touch it with an adze.

Craftsmen tool may also have inspired the forms of many Egyptian hieroglyphs, if we can believe the folklore handed down by Diodorus. In his description of the Egyptian writing system, he notes: “Now it is found that the forms of their letters take the shape of animals of every kind, and of the members of the human body, and of implements and especially carpenter’s tools”.

All of this suggests that the ritual significance assigned to tools and implements by the Etruscan worshipers of Daedalus may have had its origin in Egyptian cults. We have already seen how this tradition might have been passed from the Egyptians to the Greeks, and then to the Etruscans. But how would it have made the leap from the Etruscans to the Templars? In fact, the route is fairly direct.

The Etruscan tradition lived on in Italy through the collegia or guilds of Roman masons and architects. It was mainly from these roman collegia that medieval builders later inherited their architectural know-how. It is also from these collegia that masons claim to have inherited at least some of their esoteric doctrines.

If this is true, we can reasonably suppose that the Greek cult of Daedalus was one of those inherited doctrines. The Romans, after all, revered Daedalus just as highly as had the Greeks and Etruscans. And the wall reliefs at Rosslyn chapel suggest that the Templars too held Daedalus in high esteem. In fact, the cult of Daedalus appears to represent one of the clearest examples of an unbroken Masonic tradition, stretching from Bronze Age Greece to at least the 15th century AD.

But why Daedalus? And why talos? What did the legend of the murdered apprentice really mean to builders and Masons? What power did it hold to compel its faithful preservation nearly 15 centuries into the Christian era? To answer this question, we must look beyond the story itself. We must uncover its hidden meaning, coming face to face, in the process, with an old and terrible secret-a legacy of shame inherited from the very birth of human civilization.


According to the Bible, Adam & Eve had two sons, named Cain and Abel. Cain became a farmer and Abel a herdsman. One day, the brothers went before the lord to offer the fruits of their labors. Abel brought “fat portions from the firstborn of his flock”. Cain, on the other hand, being a farmer, brought the fruits of the soil. For some reason that the bible does not explain, god accepted Abel’s sacrifice but rejected that of his brother Cain. Burning with resentment, Cain lured his brother into a field and slew him. Cain means smith or metalworker=mason.

“Your brothers blood cries out to you from the ground, said the lord. Now you are under a curse…when you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth”

If you read Gary Greenberg’s book 101 myths of the Bible, we learn The story of Cain and Abel had its origins in the conflict between set and Osiris in Egypt but subsequently the story was influenced by Sumerian myths about a Shepard named Dumuzi & Enkimdu.

Just as God predicted Cain left his homeland and wandered the earth, finally coming to a place called Nod. {Nod is the city known in the Bible as No-Thebes, Egypt). There a curious thing happened. Despite the curse, Cain and his family prospered. In fact, Cain built a city in Nod-the very first city in the world-and named it Enoch, (Thoth) after his son. Follow history and see where the first city is:

NO (aka Thebes/land of Nod) Prehistory State God is Amen (unseen spirit)

Memphis 3100BC State God is Ptah, god of Masonry

Rome (Village) 1000Bc popular gods

Athens (Village) 1200BC majority of Greek Gods renamed after Egyptian =Zeus=Amen

Jerusalem 1400BC state god Israel = Isis, Ra & El

Babylon 2100BC

Cain’s descendants went on to win renown as the founders of nations and inventors of many arts.

His great, great, great-great-grandson Jabal, for example, became the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock. Jabal’s brother Jubal (also names freemason use in their stories) became the father of all who play the harp and flute (Music). As for their half-brother tubal-Cain, He became the world’s first metal smith. The book of genesis says that he forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and Iron. {Blacks taught Mediterranean world the use of iron)

Some curse! Judging from the biblical account, it would seem that Cain and his accursed brood were chosen by God for no less a task than civilizing the earth. From Cain and his family arouse farming, herding, building, music and metal smithy-virtually every civilized art that separates man from beast. (What separates man from ape is the one who shapes wood and stone to make it serve a special purpose). Why would God have bestowed such an honor on a sinner who murdered his own brother?

Some modern scholars have theorized that Cain and his children achieved all these technological breakthroughs not in spite of Cain’s crime, but as a direct result of it. According to this theory, the murder-or rather the sacrifice-of Abel actually transformed Cain from a simple farmer into a builder of cities.

The primal homicide, writes Patrick Tierney in his 1989 book The highest Altar: The story of Human sacrifice, was originally the salvific event which secured urban life, metallurgy, music and animal husbandry for humanity. A seemingly senseless homicide paved the way for civilization. Progress was bought for a price. Part of the price was Abel’s death.

As a journalist, Tierney spent six years in the Andes Mountains of South America, researching the cult of human sacrifice that prevails to this day among descendants of the Incas and other Indian communities. In his attempt to explain the phenomenon, Tierney drew upon the work of scholars such as Walter Burkert and Hiam maccoby, who have concluded that blood sacrifice-and particularly human sacrifice-was the spark that lit the first fires of civilization.

Through solidarity and cooperative organization, writes classicist Walter Burkert, “the sacrificial ritual gave society its form”. Indeed, so indispensable was the blood sacrifice to civilized life, in burkert’s view, that he proposed renaming the human species homo necans-man the killer. In the same vein, a British rabbinical scholar named hiam maccoby suggested that Cain was really the first sacred executioner-a specially sanctified priest whose job it is to perform the necessary but unpleasant task of sacrificing people.

In many societies around the world, both ancient and modern, such sacred executioners are ostracized from the community as punishment for their bloody deeds. But they are also honored, feared, and believed to possess magical powers. Thus, Cain was banished from his homeland. But god also granted him special favor and protection: But the lord said to him, if anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over. Then the lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.

In the Book of Enoch as in the sacred legends of countless other religions, technology is viewed as a rebellion against god. Farmers, miners, builders, and metal smiths labor under a curse, their struggle for self-betterment dogged by jealous deities. In the end, only a bribe of human blood will keep the gods at bay. But in the end, it was the renunciation of human sacrifice that elevated man to the full measure of civilization. It is this last and greatest leap forward that the cult of Daedalus appears to have commemorated. And it seems to have been in Egypt that man took this leap, for the very first time.


Every society has its own stories about gods and Heroes who, long ago, introduced farming, metallurgy, architecture, and other civilized arts to mankind. Among the Egyptians, the earliest civilizing god appears to have been Ptah. Manetho called him the “first man”-implying ptah was originally a human being. The fact that Ptah was always portrayed as a mummy with a distinctly human head-rather than an animal head –seems to confirm that the Egyptians viewed Ptah as a real human ancestor, an earthly king who became a god only after his death. Manetho wrote, “the first man or god in Egypt is Hephaestus (ptah), who is also renowned…as the discover of fire”.

Ptah was clearly the founder of Egyptian civilization. Yet he never attained the popularity of Osiris-widely considered to be Egypt’s preeminent civilizing hero.ptah may have been first, but he was far from the favorite. One reason for Osiris greater renown may lie in the hidden dynamics of the curse of Cain. If the theory of homo necans is correct, then Ptah would have brought the curse of Cain upon Egypt from the first moment he harnessed fire and introduced craftsmanship. Ptah would have been remembered with respect, but also with fear, as the bringer of ritual bloodshed to mankind.

On the other hand, Osiris, Ptah’s great-great grandson, according to manetho-appears to have taken the first step toward lifting the curse of Cain and ending the practice of human sacrifice. If the theory of homo necans is correct, then we should hardly be surprised to find that the Egyptians remembered Osiris achievement with far more warmth and gratitude than they did the bloodier explpoits of his great-great grandfather.

The Egyptians believed that Osiris, like Ptah, had been a mortal man who ruled over an earthly kingdom. Diodoros portrays the mortal king Osiris-not the god he became later-as Egypt’s greatest civilizer. Diodorus writes:

Special esteem at the court of Osiris and Isis was also accorded to those who should invent any of the arts or devise any useful process; consequently, since copper and gold mines had been discovered…they fashioned implements with which they killed the wild beasts and worked the soil, and thus in eager rivalry brought the country under cultivation, and they made images of the gods and magnificent golden chapels for their worship…Osiris was the first to drink wine and taught mankind at large the culture of the vine and the use of wine…the one most highly honored by him was Hermes (Thoth) who was endowed with unusual ingenuity for devising things capable of improving the social life of man,

Jesus was symbolic of Horus (alive) and Osiris (dead). This is why the Eucharist can be traced to Egypt and Osiris. See chapter 15 of Osiris and the resurrection by E.A. Budge:

In the Osirian temple at Denderah an inscription describes in detail the making of wheat paste models of each cut up piece of Osiris dismembered body. These sacred rituals were climaxed by the eating of sacramental god, the Eucharist by which the celebrants were transformed. It was literally believed to be the body (bread and blood (wine or ale of the god. The doctrine of the Eucharist ultimately has its roots in prehistoric cannibalism”

So if Jesus was Osiris/Horus why do he has his 12 zodiac disciples repeating it at the last super in 36AD when Osiris did it for mankind predating (3100BC) ? It was a remake play.

John 6:53

New King James Version (NKJV)

53 Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you”. **** this stuff sounds like Vampirism.

Osiris ended sacrifices so there was no need to kill Jesus. If Jesus was a real person it should have been a symbolic killing like all freemason go through as Hiram (Osiris). This is why I put much weight to the Koran being influenced by Gnostic Christians or as historian Edward Gibbon reported: The enemies of Mohammed have named the Jew, The Persian and the Syrian monk, whom they accuse of lending their secret aid to the composition of the Koran”. The Koran got it right when they said:

“They said in boast,

We killed Christ Jesus

The son of Mary, the Apostle of God

But they killed him not,

Nor crucified him

But so it was made to appear to them

Nay, god raised him up

(Koran 4:157)

Maybe they made a model of wood out of him or an effigy as they do now?

Perhaps the greatest of Osiris achievements, however, is the one that seems least relevant to us today. Osiris was the first, writes Diodoros, “To make mankind give up cannibalism.” Modern readers can hardly appreciate the importance of this innovation. For us, cannibalism seems too distant a threat to arouse our concern. But for the early Egyptians, the threat was immediate and overpowering.

Inscribed on the walls of pharaoh Wenis pyramid, sometime between 2375-2345BC is an incantation that Egyptologist have named the cannibal hymn. (Something like a Hannibal the cannibal movie with Anthony Hopkins who also played Hitler in the bunker back in the day). In the inscription, Wenis is described as “he who eats men, feeds on gods” he is also called the divine hawk, who devours whole those he finds on his way. The hymn continues:

It is shesmu who carves them up for Wenis

Cooks meals of them for him in his dinner-pots

Wenis eats their magic, swallows their spirits…

And the pots are scraped for him with their women’s legs

Wenis feeds on the lungs of the wise,

Likes to live on their hearts and their magic…

Lo, their power is in Wenis belly”

This sounds like some stuff straight out of Bram stoker’s book on Dracula from which he based on a true person Vlad the impaler (1431-1476).

No one knows whether Wenis actually partook of such grisly meals as he boasts. These references to cannibalism may have been ritual expressions, left over from earlier and more barbarous days. But the cannibal hymn leaves little doubt that there was a time-however remote-in Egypt’s past when human flesh was indeed cooked and eaten. Such rites evidently served as magical exercise through which the king could acquire the power and wisdom of the people he consumed.

Cannibalism happens in modern times Remember the movie Alive (1993) based on a true story of the Andes flight disaster in 1972? The dead were eaten in order that the living would stay alive. I have a problem with the conspiracy cranks accusing freemasons and the illuminati of human sacrifice. However abortion is no different than the ancient Phoenicians killing children to the god molech. This is why I support Catholic efforts at ending Abortion in the USA. Their might be rogue and renegade Masons practicing the dark side of the occult from which Osiris/Jesus ended for mankind.

You are righteous, O Lord,[b]
The One who is and who was and who is to be,[c]
Because You have judged these things.
6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets,
And You have given them blood to drink.
For[d] it is their just due.” Revelation 16:6 is this vampirism or symbolism?

Cannibalism is the oldest and most fundamental form of human sacrifice. In fact, the two practices are nearly inseparable. By forbidding cannibalism, Osiris set a moral chain reaction into motion. He forced people to question whether it was right to look upon other human beings as a mere source of nutrition.-whether magical or culinary. Once that doubt had been planted, it was only a matter of time before all other forms of human sacrifice were brought into question. And indeed, archaeologists have found clear evidence that ritual murder of all kinds went into a steep decline as the cult of Osiris gained power.

Like Cain and his enterprising brood, the earliest Egyptians seem to have built their civilization on blood. Right up through the first dynasty 3150BC-2925BC, the death of any Egyptian king would be followed by a wholesale slaughter of servants and retainers, their bodies buried around the kings tomb so that they could serve their master in the afterlife.

By the dawn of the Old Kingdom (2700-2190BC), however, a new spirit was in the air. Inspired, perhaps by the teachings of Osiris, the Egyptians seem to have acquired a new respect for human life. No longer did they butcher legions of servants at the death of a king. Instead, the dead king had to make do with small statues of servants, called shabti or ushabti, which were placed in his tomb and inscribed with magical formulae ensuring that they would in the words of the inscriptions do any work which has to be done in the realm of the dead.

To the early pharaohs, the first ushabti must have seemed a poor substitute for flesh-and blood attendants. But imagine the sigh of relief that arose from the servant’s quarters. The use of ushabti constituted what anthropologists call a substitution sacrifice-the replacement of a real sacrifice with a purely symbolic one. While the ushabti revolution was hardly man’s first attempt to cheat the gods of their sacrificial blood, it was probably the most decisive. Never before had such a powerful civilization renounced its bloody habits on such a massive scale.

Another probable example of a substitution sacrifice in Egypt is the so called foundation deposit. These were small pits, filled with ritual offerings, placed in strategic points of public buildings, such as under the corners or beneath the gateway. The Egyptians would fill the pits with amulets, scarabs, small models of tools, wine, bread scarified animals such as oxen.

Recall Charles Oman writing on the battle of Bannockburn where the knights Templar/Scottish rite freemasonry “Had protected themselves by digging many pits lightly covered with earth and brushwood, so as to break the charge of the English horse”. They wanted to kill the Englishmen and put them in pits in real warfare in the same manner in which Jesus said:

Matthew 21:42-45

New King James Version (NKJV)

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

‘The stone which the builders rejected
Has become the chief cornerstone.
This was the Lord’s doing,
And it is marvelous in our eyes’?
also see also psalm 118:22-23a

43 “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. 44 And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.”

45 Now when the chief priests and Pharisees heard His parables, they perceived that He was speaking of them.

So it appears that sacrifice was first done on innocent people but is reserved as punishment for evil people. I don’t know how some black Muslims have Jesus as a cornerstone when that position is reserved for the evil people who rejected him. Did not Jesus call Peter Satan (Mat 16:23 and that he would deny/reject him three times (Mat 26:34). Peter did become the rock from which the foundation of a church was built. If Muslims believe Jesus was taken up alive how can the black Muslims have him down there in front of Peter. Like Osiris/Horus Jesus is the capstone up at the top shining his light as you are saved like Noah on a housetop/pyramid/ Hill in Luke 17.

Was there ever a time when these foundation deposits contained human victims or body parts. The notion that a human being must be sacrificed and buried beneath any new building is extremely old and can be found all over the world.

MOCK Sacrifice

If we interpret the masonic ritual of Hiram Abiff as an exact literal replay of what actually occurred during the building of Solomon’s Temple, we are led to a surprising conclusion-that Hiram was never killed at all. The crucial detail is that the initiates who play Hiram in the ceremony are never really killed. They simply go through the motions of being killed. Could it be that the real Hiram also participated in just such a mock sacrifice? The rite of Hiram Abiff would thus be a substitution sacrifice in the tradition of the Egyptian ushabti and foundation deposits.

Such a substitution would have been very much in the spirit of Solomon’s temple. Hiram, king of Tyre, is revered as a great mason for building Solomon’s temple, although the temple actually is in the skies. Long ago, God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. He took him up top of mount Moriah same site Solomon later built his temple, in order to perform the ritual. God stopped him and told him to substitute sacrifice a ram instead of Isaac. Abraham placed the ram in the fire. The sacrifice of Isaac was derived from a ritual reenactment of Egyptian funerary services which identified the deceased with Osiris. The ram was the Ba or soul of Osiris. As the soul of Isaac (Osiris), it replaces Isaac on the funeral pyre. The Muslims in their Koran said the same thing about Jesus but they just said it in a different way.

So whats the lessons to be learned. I would say for one Black people stop killing black people so that other people can’t benefit off our body parts and other things.


In Luke 17 Jesus symbolically becomes Noah which is an Egyptian creation story of Nun (water) giving birth to the Sun. Jesus is at the housetop (A pyramid/hill) with souls saved on top with a candle or oil lantern. Noah is basically a creation/repopulation story with a bird carrying an olive branch of peace. Olive is also symbolic of light.In Luke the Dove is replaced with the eagle which is symbolic of resurrection of the Ben Ben bird who files over the top of a capstone on a pyramid or obeslisk=resurrection. For Mason’s it was St John’s day= Summer solstice the rebirth of horus/jesus after warfare with satan on a mountain with fire on top.

In his play Prometheus Bound, written in the fifth century BCE, Aeschylus opens by referring to the god Hephaistos's role in crucifying Prometheus.

And now, Hephaestus (Ptah), yours is the charge to observe the mandates laid upon you by the Father—to clamp this miscreant upon the high craggy rocks in shackles of binding adamant that cannot be broken.

Like Jesus, ordained by God the Father to be crucified for the sake of mankind, who has sinned against the Father, Prometheus is likewise crucified because of his "offense" against Zeus by giving the divine gift of fire to humanity. Says Aeschylus of the ill-fated Prometheus:

Such is the prize you have gained for your championship of man.

Writing c. 180 BCE, demonstrating an ongoing popularity of the Prometheus myth, mythographer Apollodorus (Library 1.7.1) states:
Prometheus (ptah) moulded men out of water and earth and gave them also fire (knowledge/technology), which, unknown to Zeus (Amen), he had hidden in a stalk of fennel. But when Zeus learned of it, he ordered Hephaestus to nail his body to Mount Caucasus, which is a Scythian mountain. On it Prometheus was nailed and kept bound for many years. Every day an eagle swooped on him and devoured the lobes of his liver, which grew by night. That was the penalty that Prometheus paid for the theft of fire until Hercules (the Egyptian haru-kles=glory to Horus) afterwards released him, as we can see, it's much the same story as told by Hesiod and others centuries before. It would thus appear that Lucian's account reflects an ancient tradition, centuries older than the Christian tale.

In my mind it is unquestionable that
Brother AACOOLDRE ... do we have Richard Poe's permission for his work to be posted here, and if so, please include it with his property ... rule #2 ... ?

Love You and Thanks!


His copyright states in his book that quotations can be used in a review.

Okay ... Thank You. I don't have the book, so i did not know.

I did a brief search for a web site belonging to the author, but could not find one, are you aware of one?

Thanks a Bunch!

Love You!



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