OldSoul : Frankie Knuckles - The Godfather of House Music Transitions

smh...rip my soulful brother....

one love
Frankie Knuckles SAVED me in the early 1990’s with his remix of the Sounds of Blackness “The Pressure” just when I thought that my nightclubbing/dancing/escaping from REALITY therapy days were over due to the so very hard/soul less Techno House music that was being played in London’s nightclubs.

I had literally thrown in the towel ended up working as a doorman on Friday and Saturday nights at the Ministry of Sound [after going in as a VIP on the opening night] because there was nowhere I wanted to go [and I could use the extra cash] and then when I heard this song, I had to dance [even though I was meant to be working] and I still HAVE TO DANCE whenever I hear it, TODAY.

Another truly ecstatic pleasure was hearing this mix of “I’ll be your Friend” by Robert Owens [which is very apt TODAY in that Frankie was everyone’s friend] and Tony Humphrey’s mix of Mass Order’s “Lift Every Voice” celebrating that other deceased GREAT, Sylvester on the Ministry of Sound's SUPER SOUND SYSTEM.

Frankie Knuckles along with C & C Music Factory and Masters at Work created Soulful House before anyone even thought of the category; have been literally TAKING ME AWAY ever since, confused many people who assumed that I was using ecstasy or cocaine had to be using drugs to get so high, be so hyper, while all I was doing was flying/being totally energized on those so powerful rhythms and vibes GREAT MUSIC creates.

I can NEVER thank you enough Frankie for creating such exhilarating HIGHS/MUSIC to literally feed the SOUL


Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?
Frankie Knuckles SAVED me in the early 1990’s with his remix of the Sounds of Blackness “The Pressure” just when I thought that my nightclubbing/dancing/escaping from REALITY therapy days were over due to the so very hard/soul less Techno House music that was being played in London’s nightclubs.

I had literally thrown in the towel ended up working as a doorman on Friday and Saturday nights at the Ministry of Sound [after going in as a VIP on the opening night] because there was nowhere I wanted to go [and I could use the extra cash] and then when I heard this song, I had to dance [even though I was meant to be working] and I still HAVE TO DANCE whenever I hear it, TODAY.

Another truly ecstatic pleasure was hearing this mix of “I’ll be your Friend” by Robert Owens [which is very apt TODAY in that Frankie was everyone’s friend] and Tony Humphrey’s mix of Mass Order’s “Lift Every Voice” celebrating that other deceased GREAT, Sylvester.

Frankie Knuckles along with C & C Music Factory and Masters at Work created Soulful House before anyone even thought of the category; have been literally TAKING ME AWAY ever since, confused many people who assumed that I was using ecstasy or cocaine had to be using drugs to get so high, be so hyper, while all I was doing was flying/being totally energized on those so powerful rhythms and vibes GREAT MUSIC creates.

I can NEVER thank you enough Frankie for creating such exhilarating HIGHS/MUSIC to literally feed the SOUL


Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?

a personal favorite of mine....

but the reason frankie is really cherished here in chicago is not because of the music he created...
it's more so the music he played as a dj...which was so buttery....

one love
[QUOTE="Precise Allah, post: 868533, member: 22757" I was just checking out his mix at the boiler room the other day. Didn't even know he was sick. RIP FK.


Justin Berkmann [opening DJ when the Ministry of Sound first opened along with Bert Bevans posted this lament on Facebook TODAY]

9 hours ago near Hampstead

When I saw Frankie on Saturday, I suspected it was to be the last time, but didn't realise just how close he was to passing. I was aware Frankie was really sick and last week it was mentioned he probably wouldn't make playing at Ministry this last Saturday [what turned out to be his last set EVER] , but clearly worse than anyone had thought he, being the consummate professional, came over to do what he loved to do and lived to give us, his love and his music, his generosity of a pure spirit.

I am truly honoured to have known Frankie, a legend for a reason, a giant in the music scene and a friend.

RIP Frankie Knuckles, and condolences to his loved ones he left behind, especially David and Judy xx

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?

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Email me N2. dadvetnj704@gmail.com. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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