Frankie Knuckles SAVED me in the early 1990’s with his remix of the Sounds of Blackness “The Pressure” just when I thought that my nightclubbing/dancing/escaping from REALITY therapy days were over due to the so very hard/soul less Techno House music that was being played in London’s nightclubs.
I had literally thrown in the towel ended up working as a doorman on Friday and Saturday nights at the Ministry of Sound [after going in as a VIP on the opening night] because there was nowhere I wanted to go [and I could use the extra cash] and then when I heard this song, I had to dance [even though I was meant to be working] and I still HAVE TO DANCE whenever I hear it, TODAY.
Another truly ecstatic pleasure was hearing this mix of “I’ll be your Friend” by Robert Owens [which is very apt TODAY in that Frankie was everyone’s friend] and Tony Humphrey’s mix of Mass Order’s “Lift Every Voice” celebrating that other deceased GREAT, Sylvester.
Frankie Knuckles along with C & C Music Factory and Masters at Work created Soulful House before anyone even thought of the category; have been literally TAKING ME AWAY ever since, confused many people who assumed that I was using ecstasy or cocaine had to be using drugs to get so high, be so hyper, while all I was doing was flying/being totally energized on those so powerful rhythms and vibes GREAT MUSIC creates.
I can NEVER thank you enough Frankie for creating such exhilarating HIGHS/MUSIC to literally feed the SOUL
Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?