Little pinky
move away
thumb run
middle fingertip
dance in place
drive in motion
for a sticky play
rubbing rapidly
dancin wit a twitch
making a milkway
slient moan
as it roam
a push oooops!
into ya home of joy
ova flood juicy dip
on the wild crazy
moving fast caressin slow
as u cross ya legs
da release let go
yummy dip
tasty fingertips
all four start to play
touching the Ta' Ta's
blissin da Na Na
got Ma ma in da mood
buckin wavin like da
sea holla take me ! take me !
eyes roll back
head in a swril
soon the cute toe curl
lips twist tiny bite
from da finger sweet delight
soft cries humble soundz
on the sofa T.V buzzzzzzzz!
lights out workin da glove
fingertip dance
mush , hot explosion
in da heat of fin-gerrrrrrrrr notion
the motion flip they all dip in da
splash !! (((swoosh)))
:grin: no need u wave ya finger
coz the teaching is in a flow
just relax and wave from this
fin-ger-tip dancin love of blazzzzzzze
:devil: :devil:
move away
thumb run
middle fingertip
dance in place
drive in motion
for a sticky play
rubbing rapidly
dancin wit a twitch
making a milkway
slient moan
as it roam
a push oooops!
into ya home of joy
ova flood juicy dip
on the wild crazy
moving fast caressin slow
as u cross ya legs
da release let go
yummy dip
tasty fingertips
all four start to play
touching the Ta' Ta's
blissin da Na Na
got Ma ma in da mood
buckin wavin like da
sea holla take me ! take me !
eyes roll back
head in a swril
soon the cute toe curl
lips twist tiny bite
from da finger sweet delight
soft cries humble soundz
on the sofa T.V buzzzzzzzz!
lights out workin da glove
fingertip dance
mush , hot explosion
in da heat of fin-gerrrrrrrrr notion
the motion flip they all dip in da
splash !! (((swoosh)))
:grin: no need u wave ya finger
coz the teaching is in a flow
just relax and wave from this
fin-ger-tip dancin love of blazzzzzzze
:devil: :devil: