Black People : Finally Got Around To "Tweet"

I see you found me and

Yes @LindaChavis but I have alread sent you a message..we'll talk on twitter

I'm "Ltcmdr49022". And you'll have to excuse me, but my understanding of Twitter and its terms are all still new to me. I havn't even begun to understand what a time line is. As I said, I just joined it a couple days ago.
As for others, I only have one follower so far, from blackberry messenger. I am following sites like CNN, NBC, and news sites like that. I am hoping to now follow some black oriented sites, but don't have much of an idea how to find them.
I will add (follow) you. Do I just add a "@" in front of your screen name you use here?
I never been don't have a clue about tweeter

If I told you I did, I'd grow about 8 extra inches to my nose. I'm even clueless to most of the terms used in it. But the one thing I have prided myself on is my wanting to learn something new everyday. Granted, if I was 30 years younger it might be a bit more easier.
So I'm off and running, or should I say "tweeting"?
After years of hearing about it, I finally created an account in Twitter. I actually never even visited it. But now, I am a tweeter, twiterer, or whatever they are called (though now I guess it's "we").
Anyway, now I just need some black oriented sites & people to keep up with. I am hoping that you all can direct me in the right direction, and can offer me some places/people of black interest.

I hope you know the feds watch that site along with facebook and do I know? because when the news always says "such and such twitting this" such and such had this on their facebook page, the FEDS are watching it.

I think you can find somewhere else to network with people with similar interest

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