Black People : Finally Got Around To "Tweet"


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2005
After years of hearing about it, I finally created an account in Twitter. I actually never even visited it. But now, I am a tweeter, twiterer, or whatever they are called (though now I guess it's "we").
Anyway, now I just need some black oriented sites & people to keep up with. I am hoping that you all can direct me in the right direction, and can offer me some places/people of black interest.

I tweet..what you should do is follow me..then click on people I follow..then you can click on who they follow if you like. That is how I got started by following a friends list. Then your time line will flow. I find my time line flows fast when somthing is going on and if you start tweeting to someone (like me for example) you can miss the tweet if you arent able to scroll back and forth. I tweet about once or twice a week. Well..I should say it depends on whats going on. Let me know if you need help. Im Linda Chavis on twitter.

After years of hearing about it, I finally created an account in Twitter. I actually never even visited it. But now, I am a tweeter, twiterer, or whatever they are called (though now I guess it's "we").
Anyway, now I just need some black oriented sites & people to keep up with. I am hoping that you all can direct me in the right direction, and can offer me some places/people of black interest.
In order to send me a direct message we have to be following each other. So once you follow me and I then follow you, if you need help you can direct message me. What is your twitter name, cause I dont accept all followers LOL

I'm "Ltcmdr49022". And you'll have to excuse me, but my understanding of Twitter and its terms are all still new to me. I havn't even begun to understand what a time line is. As I said, I just joined it a couple days ago.
As for others, I only have one follower so far, from blackberry messenger. I am following sites like CNN, NBC, and news sites like that. I am hoping to now follow some black oriented sites, but don't have much of an idea how to find them.
I will add (follow) you. Do I just add a "@" in front of your screen name you use here?

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