Excuuuse me sistah,
But I just gotta say this;
I know that he did you wrong,
But I've seen some good men
And I know they exist.
Cuz one lays in the
Crook of my arm.
His dark skin cuddles me
Until I'm comfy and warm.
We talk and take walks,
Enjoying the simple things in life.
He is my beloved,and
I am proud to be his wife.
Excuuuse me sistah,
But my man ain no dog,
He jes works like one,
From the rising and the
Setting of God's flaming sun.
If you don't set a standard
And you don't take your time,
You're bound to get a man,
Who ain' worth a dime.
Excuuuse me sistah,
But don't dis "all" of our black men.
There are so many brothas
Who are doing the best they can.
Let us help them, pray for them,
That God will prosper their cause,
Instead of calling "all"
The brothas, low down dirty dogs.
So focus on God first and
That man will definitely come.
He'll be all you ever wanted,
Umph!... and then some.
A Black Sista's Thang
But I just gotta say this;
I know that he did you wrong,
But I've seen some good men
And I know they exist.
Cuz one lays in the
Crook of my arm.
His dark skin cuddles me
Until I'm comfy and warm.
We talk and take walks,
Enjoying the simple things in life.
He is my beloved,and
I am proud to be his wife.
Excuuuse me sistah,
But my man ain no dog,
He jes works like one,
From the rising and the
Setting of God's flaming sun.
If you don't set a standard
And you don't take your time,
You're bound to get a man,
Who ain' worth a dime.
Excuuuse me sistah,
But don't dis "all" of our black men.
There are so many brothas
Who are doing the best they can.
Let us help them, pray for them,
That God will prosper their cause,
Instead of calling "all"
The brothas, low down dirty dogs.
So focus on God first and
That man will definitely come.
He'll be all you ever wanted,
Umph!... and then some.
A Black Sista's Thang