Black People : European Holidays


The Age of Aquarius
Sep 27, 2005
St. Patrick
Collectively we lack knowledge of our history.

St. Patrick did in fact lead the genocide on the Twa 'pygmies' from Central Africa, who were the original inhabitants of Ireland, otherwise known a leprechauns.

His real name was Maewyn Succat.
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(written circa 1995)

Springz here and everyone is ready for good weather. Coming out of the arctic blast into the warm soothin' rayz of Ra (the Sun), one cannot help but be in the mood of celebration. And when people celebrate, someone makes money. So pardon me as I expose yet another wack man-made hallow-day—that simultaneously has the audacity to use religion as it's foundation. So who's responsible for the creation of easter? What?! You don't know?!!?

Although I am in no way a follower of any western religion, I will use the bible as my choice of weapon. The madness beginz in the month of February or March with Ash Wednesday. This is the day where all catholic hedz wear a black mark on their forehead in the form of a cross or plus sign.

It alwayz seemed bugged to me, but isn't the 'mark' that they wear the same 'mark' that God put on Cain's forehead after he murdered his brother Abel?! Was not that 'mark' a sign that alienated Cain from everyone in the form of a punishment?! So Y IZ YT wearin' it? Are they themselves portrayin' Cain, a murderer who was not in good graces with God??

Speaking of the 'mark', was this not the same symbol that was used to kill the biblical Jesus?? Last time I checked, the 'mark' was used by the Romanz to execute hedz. I'm tellin' you, when you peep 'HIS'story on thingz, you begin to see that most people today operate on ignorance alone—which can be deadly, especially if taught to our youth because it allowz the lie to perpetually exist!

The cross evolved from the ancient KMTic symbol the Ankh. Originally, the use of the cross was meant for 'peace of the divine spirit'. But YT, not fully overstanding 360° of KMTic knowledge, used it as a mark for death, thus reversing its meaning.

Easter is s'posed to mark the resurrection of the biblical Jesus (I say 'biblical' because there is strong evidence he did not exist and that it is merely a story covering up the original 'Jesus' better known as, Heru, whose parents were Ausar and Auset. Read the works of Gerald Massey's, The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ). Legend has it 'Jesus' was allegedly killed on a cross. But if you read Acts 10:38-41, it talks of him being lynched:

"…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. And we are witnesses of all things which He did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed by hanging on a tree. Him God raised up on the third day, and showed Him openly. Not to all the people, but to witnesses chosen before by God, even to us who ate and drank with Him after He arose from the dead."
This is but one of many biblical contradictionz inside this so-called 'holy' book. I didn't read anything about him being on a cross. This whole notion of the cross also raises a point of just when did the lynching of Afrikan people begin, which may be the Romanz; definitely not the Ku Klux Klan! Somethinz not right Afrikanz, we've been told one story but the story they say it's from actually sayz somethin' else! Kinda showz how idiotic and confused YT wants his followerz to be. Ask yourself, how long has this passage been in the bible and why hasn't anyone challenged it? This also showz hedz really don't comprehend their bible — the one source of info many claim as the foundation of their beliefs!

The whole concept of spirituality, including religion, evolved from the east, where Afrika is. That's why we see 'East' in Easter. YTs 'behind closed doorz' knowledge of Afrikan people being the first beingz on this planet can be seen when you know what to look for.

The Overlooked Black History of Memorial Day


An April 1865 photo of the graves of Union soldiers buried at the race course-turned-Confederate-prison where historians believe the earliest Memorial Day ceremony took place.

4th of July (this holiday is an exception and is older than Europe)



....THE TRUTH IS The 4th Of July is really OUR spiritual day (eg. from the 4th - 6th of July) which represents a renewed period of spiritual enlightenment, protection, and guidance that traces all the way back to OUR ANCIENT ANCESTORS in KmT; therefore, WE must make ourselves aware of this fact, dust our brains off and move forward with this all important knowledge.

Christianity rejects this factual knowledge because it does not believe and/or rejects the fact that the origins of the Sirius Star known as the Dog star has Ancient Kemetic origins; and that OUR people set aside this special time to recognize this particular star system b4 Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or the Western World was a zygote.

Until you do the necessary research, you will never know nor understand the full significance of this truth that was laid out by OUR PRECIOUS KEMETIC CIVILIZATION that is currently nestled inside a re-copied AmeriKKKan tradition currently passing it self off as the 4th of July, now will you?

And while Eye am on the subject of valuable contributions from OUR ANCIENT PEOPLE --let it be known that we know the Mirws (eg. Pyramids) and Heremakhet (eg. mistakenly called the Sphinx) existed waaaaaay b4 Jesus, God, and the Bible!!!!!

The 4th of July is actually "Wepet Renpet" an ANCIENT KHEMETIC-PAGAN (Hermetic/Ancient KmTic) FESTIVAL celebrating "Individual" "Spiritual" "Renewal' by Our Ancestors, in Khemet-Egypt.
The timeframe between July 4th - July 6th has significance, as well. The Ancient Khemites-Egyptians were light years ahead of everyone -- including Western Civilization (ie. Western, what's that all about? When did any civilization have a direction). Source: Neely Fuller, Jr.

Eye digress!

Anyway, their grasp of astronomy (ie. Dogon Star, Sirius Star) was ---'collectively'--- very well innerstood.
BTW --Astrology evolved during the GOLDEN Age of Matriarchy. 《Source: "The Sibyls" by Vivian Hunter-Hindrew》.
Research will enlighten you to the fact that even the colors red, white, blue are straight outta Ancient KmT
Research will also enlighten you to the fact that the Ancients celebrated the New Year on July 4th!

Sorry Eye won't be wearing black, because Eye am well read, informed, and Eye know the herstory behind the history!

The Origin of Red, White And Blue -- "...In terms of symbols, the colors Red, White and Blue of the US flag that symbolize the American way of life and global power are derived from the original ancient Kemetic/Egyptian Red Crown of the South, White Crown of the North and the Blue Crown of War that symbolized the Masonic system of governance, way of life and being. .."

Like Eye said: "...'Western' Civilization has already built its brand of democracy on top of OUR original ancient blueprint, the rest is history..."


1. America's 4th July and ancient Egypt:
From Narmer to Obama
By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
June 26, 2009

2. Wepet Renpet: Ancient Egyptian New Year

3. WEPET RENPET: An Ancient KmTic (Egypt is a greek term)
Tabia Ani's Review™ - ©March 2015 - June2020 - All Rights Reserved

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Easter - Christian festival that celebrates the so-Called resurrection of the so-called Jesus, The Christ. A fable that never happened.

Eostre - Pagan origins of Eoastre). She was the Great Mother Goddess. Celebrations were centered around the birth of spring and fertility (eg. of matriarchal origin). This era predates the lying lore of Christianity.

Pagan - Kemetic rustic civilian coined by the Romans

Christianity - Religious belief system/practice that follows the so-Called teaching of Jesus, The Christ are all are completely different words with completely different meanings.

Yes, the Romans brilliantly cooked up the idea to adapt pagan rites, pagan rituals and pagan signs (eg. all Kemetic symbols) to further embellish their developing power base ---and the strategy worked. Today, you will notice that Ethiopia is a Christian nation. Why? Because there are practices, rituals and symbols inside Christianity that reflect Ancient Ethiopian practices, rites, rituals and symbolism. Why? b/c Ethiopia is the Mother of Ancient Civilization and Ancient Kemet is the Mother of Everything Else.

When you speak of pagan(ism) you speak to the Hermeticists rustic Kemetic civilians in KmT (Egypt) who celebrated Eostre. The word Easter is a more recent festival that Christians loosely adapted from OUR ancestors.

First posted: March 16, 2016

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