It's amusing because a lot of their mentality (especially their religion) towards LGBT people are artifacts of imperialism. They are still receiving that influence through missionaries and religious aid groups who flock to suffering as an opportunity to increase the size of their flock.

The video or blog post does nothing to address how harsh and insane some of the laws in some African countries, and it manages to distort the criteria about rights for some of these aide initiatives.

It's almost a parody of itself.

How we feel about the alleged or true origin of the AIDS pandemic is one thing:

What we think our distant relations in Mother Africa can and should do about it is what matters...

Any suggestions?

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has long threatened to withhold UK financial aid from African governments that do not reform legislation banning homosexuality. On 30 October 2011, Cameron was reported to have said, “Britain is one of the premier aid givers in the world. We want to see countries that receive our aid adhering to proper rights. Those receiving UK aid should adhere to proper rights.”

Britain has threatened that if Malawi did not legalise homosexuality and same sex marriages, Britain would withdraw its aid which has been reported as being in the order of 19 million pounds. Uganda has become a recent victim of British intimidation, after it passed in its parliament, a Bill making homosexuality and same sex marriage a criminal offence. African leaders must take up pending serious African issues with Europe, the colonial under-developer of Africa. I will elaborate on this later. For now, let me remind that the first same sex marriage on this planet, took place in the Netherlands on 1 April 2001. Was this April Fools day joke? No, Belgium followed in 2003, Spain in 2005, Canada in 2005, Norway in 2009. In America at that time out of 52 states that constitute the USA, only six had legalised same sex marriages. In Africa out of 54 African countries, only South Africa has allowed homosexuality and legalised same sex marriages.

All sorts of people we know nothing or little about do see us less than well informed people around the globe as a means to advance their hidden or not so hidden agendas, whereas nobody plays me that cheap or that close!
The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has long threatened to withhold UK financial aid from African governments that do not reform legislation banning homosexuality. On 30 October 2011, Cameron was reported to have said, “Britain is one of the premier aid givers in the world. We want to see countries that receive our aid adhering to proper rights. Those receiving UK aid should adhere to proper rights.”

Britain has threatened that if Malawi did not legalise homosexuality and same sex marriages, Britain would withdraw its aid which has been reported as being in the order of 19 million pounds. Uganda has become a recent victim of British intimidation, after it passed in its parliament, a Bill making homosexuality and same sex marriage a criminal offence. African leaders must take up pending serious African issues with Europe, the colonial under-developer of Africa. I will elaborate on this later. For now, let me remind that the first same sex marriage on this planet, took place in the Netherlands on 1 April 2001. Was this April Fools day joke? No, Belgium followed in 2003, Spain in 2005, Canada in 2005, Norway in 2009. In America at that time out of 52 states that constitute the USA, only six had legalised same sex marriages. In Africa out of 54 African countries, only South Africa has allowed homosexuality and legalised same sex marriages.

I never heard of this group and/or no listing of the author ever being a member of the South African government etc...

So always please do check and recheck your sources, i. e., before you repost such links, which are bound to inflame--(rather than inform)-- us....

Also do let us make up our own minds:

Not just let others think for us...

Sovereign nations have the right to determine what societies they wanna lead without outside interference.
No nation is putting pressure on saudi arabia given the way they treat their women.
No outside nation(s) pressured amerikkka to make changes to how it treats 'a certain segment' of its nation,
for whatever changes there were, it was do to internal pressure.

Saudi Arabia has been under criticism and pressure (example: It's also contributed some to the legitimacy of internal women's rights movement. Saudi Arabia can't be pressured like most nations because they've got oil and they're not on any massive aid programs (every now and then the House votes to ban giving them anything completely).

America has also received outside criticism and pressure, but how would that effect what's pretty much a global imperial power?

Even if those claims were true, a sovereign right alone doesn't determine right and wrong. It only says who has the authority to enforce whatever laws they have. I still agree that Africa is probably getting a much heavier hand, but the stipulations are not unreasonable and it is aid that can be refused.
Leaders of western nations sometimes just make noise and not a lot of sense: They also make disagree with the policies/practices of other nations, though that's usually as far as it goes...It is when some also tie aid programs to pressuring other nations to change their internal policies/practices then I also do recall some of the first were the past colonial masters and others former subjects...I know nothing or little about the present leader of Great Britain, but there's an ongoing AIDS crisis in Africa, and I do have to urge everybody not to make apples vs oranges comparisons, as regards what may well be the far more rational approach their leader is taken, as opposed to the rash one the former Secretary of State attempted...Not only is the U. S. no formal colonial power, their takes on the issues/problems/etc. around the globe seem and sound to be causing more issues and problems for us all...

This nation's own lackluster human rights record hardly makes them role models of high moral standards etc.

As our native neighbors on the rez about that one....


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