Black People : Dr Umar johnson thread.....

"all i ever see from you is critique of black people...."

That's not true. You seem to be confused. What you see is a critique of Negroes indulging in bad behavior. My inspiration and idols are black people whose lives have made a major difference. People like Asa Philip Randolph, Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Benjamin O. Davis Jr, Thurgood Marshall, Constance Baker Motley, Samuel Lee Gravely Jr., Martin Luther King, et al. But I have little tolerance for the self destructive behavior and buffoonery of Negroes who wallow in victimization, entitlement and historical grievance. Big difference...
all those people are long gone......who do you support today ?????
Granted...he is not disseminating any new info...but its been proven that he is a real doctor and if he follows through on his promise to build a new school with black dollars controlled and taught with a black mindstate...he would have accomplished more in this this country than any other black person to note...generally icons are not really given props in this country until they die...kaepernick is another example of this...

One love

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The Shadow Poet wrote on N2urSoul's profile.
Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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