Black People : Dr. Umar Johnson - Interracial Relationships 3 AND 4

I'm not for or against interracial dating. I know that personally i have become open minded to it, having been involved with a woman who was not of african descent. I know Dr Umar is not a fan of Africans dealing with Euros.

Could it be possible that we have a long history of what happens to us as a people with that type of arrangement? The invasions of Afraka reflect it, slavery reflected it and those in political power presently reflect well as those of us with the money and so called education. Better yet, there's entire histories concerning it and the results in "Destruction of Black Civilization" obviously everybody and all of history can't be wrong, but then again, that's sort of been our problem as Black men. We somehow let the little head get in the way of the big head.

Could it be possible that we have a long history of what happens to us as a people with that type of arrangement? The invasions of Afraka reflect it, slavery reflected it and those in political power presently reflect well as those of us with the money and so called education. Better yet, there's entire histories concerning it and the results in "Destruction of Black Civilization" obviously everybody and all of history can't be wrong, but then again, that's sort of been our problem as Black men. We somehow let the little head get in the way of the big head.


Yeah perhaps. I nvr really thought about interracial dating n the implications till i started talking to someone who wasn't african (She wasn't caucasian). Even as i've learned more about history, I still keep a indifferent stance on the topic. All i ever say is do ya due dillegence on ya partner, especially if she's European.

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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