- Feb 7, 2004
- 5,631
- 3,352
As stated ! As Africa is under attack, a conserted effort is made to sever emotional ties to the Motherland, with a documetary to demonize and exagerate....and demonize and exagerate...at a time when there is no Black media to refute it
Had Gil Nobles Like it Is, Bob Law's Night Talk and Imhotep gary Byrds Global Black Experience still been on; Dr Asante, Dr Jeffries, Dr Ben, Profesor Smalls, Dr Marimba Ani, Dr Thephile Obenga and many others would have been able to give a counter view of what Gates hypothesis is!
I didn't like it either...but it wasn't so much the information that I didn't like, it was the way in which it was presented...as if to say; Master, I'm on your side. He even gave out his mouth and said that we should really be grateful to be bought to America as slaves without ever presenting how Afraka got into the condition that it is in. But hey, what do we really care!??? We don't even care about our behinds over here, much less Afraka....and 425 billion dollars that black people never benefited from proves it!!