Black Spirituality Religion : Dr.Karenga

Music Producer

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2004
Interesting facts and info.

I have also seen these exact words and belief repeated on this board……..

"Belief in spooks who threaten us if we don't worship them and demand we turn over our destiny and daily lives must be categorized as spookism and condemned." pg 27

Does this not attack all religious thought from ancient Egypt to modern day Christianity?

I have seen that exact word “spookism” used in attempts to label and belittle the Old Testament or Holy Scriptures doctrine and ideology by those who have not realized and or recognized that ancient Egyptian ideology and Old Testament ideology are both based on the same form of concepts. Words like “praise”, “worship” “protection” and “fear of” originate from Egyptian ideology as we can see in Utterance 574.

Several on this board have tried to disassociate such words from Egyptian ideology and use the white-man as a scapegoat for inventing these words. Our ancestors recorded every aspect of their life, ideology and belief and carved those concepts in stone, in temples and even took those concepts to their graves by recording them in tombs. Due to this over abundance of documentation written by our ancestors it makes it very difficult for the white-man to lie about the information but on the flip side of this it also makes it very difficult for us to lie, twist or alter the information to serve our own desires or means of selling books, creating followers or destroying the Old Testament or any other religious ideology we try to accuse the white man of inventing.

The white-man is not an old enough race of people to have invented anything pertaining to religious ideology. All religions good and evil were created, written and established by Africans, period.

Egyptian Bible: Pyramid Text

Utterance 574.
1485a. To say: Greetings to thee, Sycamore, who protects the god, under which the gods of the underworld stand,
1485b. whose tips are seared, whose inside is burned, (whose) suffering is real.
1486a. Assemble those who dwell in Nun; collect those who are among the bows.
1486b. Thy forehead is upon thine arm (in mourning) for Osiris, O Great Mooring-post,
1486c. who art like her who is chief of the offering (to), and of the worship (?) of the lord of the East.
1487a. Thou art standing, Osiris; thy shadow is over thee, Osiris;
1487b. thy diadem repels Set,
1487c. the generous damsel who acted for this spirit of Gḥś.ti is
1487d. thy shadow, Osiris.
1488a. Thy dread is among those in heaven; thy fear among those on earth.
1488b. Thou hast hurled thy terror into the heart of the wings of Lower Egypt, dwelling in Buto.

1489a. N. is come [to thee], Horus, heir of Geb, of whom Atum speaks;
1489b. "all belongs to thee," say the Two Enneads; "all belongs to thee," thou sayest.
1490a. It is even N. among them-the gods who are in heaven.
1490b. Collect those who are among the bows; assemble those who are among the imperishable stars.
1491a. N. rejoices; N. rejoices, O, 0.
1491b. Day is day; night is night; Rē‘ is Rē‘;
1491c. --------------- he is for ever.

I have nothing against Dr. Karenga but an examination of his specific words is in order.

Does he speak as an atheist to abandon all religious ideology and thought?

Or is he simply just trying to appeal to the masses to sell the maximum number of books jumping from one side to the other in telling us what he believes we want to hear?

Such as be rebellious because black people are, dump on the white man because that’s what black people want to hear, reject the KJV Bible because that’s what rebellious black people do…….etc….

Are we being suckered once again because of our unfortunate condition of being a people scattered, peeled and removed from our heritage?

In reality to this day there IS NOT any African peoples living in Africa that practice and can read Egyptian ideology and hieroglyphs. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying because most isolated African tribes and peoples in Africa to this day continue to NOT have an original written language of their own.

Since we know 100%, absolutely that the Egyptian had a written language and their ideology could be passed down through this written language it is safe to assume that the bulk of the original Egyptians were excommunicated from Africa and along with that excommunication knowledge of the language and written script also left Africa.

Peace and Love.
It is ironic how we hold

black scholars and such under a microscope but swallow the bible whole without the second thought that it was handed down to us by our oppressor at a time when we were just coming out of our pre-literate past...:tweety: and experiencing our lowest level of spiritality

Fine1952 said:
black scholars and such under a microscope but swallow the bible whole without the second thought that it was handed down to us by our oppressor and a time when we were just coming out of our pre-literate past...:tweety:

I have not demanded any more from modern day scholars then I have from the Old Testament and New Testament African scholars.

As I have research the Old Testament to find that most physical and irrefutable evidence points to the historical fact that it was written by Akhenaten and his elected priesthood and the Exodus occurred when the people of Akhetaten were vanquished from Egypt by foreign African Tribes and hired mercenaries.

I have researched the New Testament to find that Jesus is a derivative of Osirinism and several combinations of Egyptian ideology and was most likely created and written by ancient Ethiopians as you can see the transition from Osiris to Jesus in several Ethiopian scripts mainly The Lost Books of the Bible and Bandlet of Righteousness.

And when we study the most ancient of the Dogon Song we find that all religious ideology and foundational beliefs originated from Africa and the Dogon Song was once the only ideology of the earth and it is monotheistic. The Crucifix originates from O-Nummo who was hung on a cross by Amma (GOD) to be cut into small pieces to be used by Amma in making several planets. The image of the O-Nummo hanging on the cross is an ancient Dogon symbol of the Smiths hammer, and also O-Nummos sacrifice.

With this explained you now can see where the story of Osiris being cut into pieces originates

You will have to forgive me if I am cautious in accepting what is expressed about Kemet because when I look into it, it turns out to be men simply theorizing. I have come to believe in a concept of, “Let the gods speak”.

Peace and Love.
The "Seeming" Esoteric and Exoteric Dichotomy

Belief in spooks who threaten us if we don't worship them and demand we turn over our destiny and daily lives must be categorized as spookism and condemned." pg 27

Music Producer said:
Does this not attack all religious thought from ancient Egypt to modern day Christianity?

I have read the same statement above and, NO, I don't see an attack on ancient Kamitic principles. Recently I was in China town for the chinese New year and a "mortal" walked up to me and intimated a scare tactic in the effect of me needing to have an allegiance to some nebulous entity that is supposed to have some type of monopoly of Jurisprudence over me; Some Spooky God that talks only to individuals outside of my time frame and allegorically writes on stone tablets with lightning bolts or something. I looked at him like he was a dream character in my dream telling Me to worship the sleeping me.....nuff said. :sand:

[Check the sundial...synchronize your clocks]

{Atum to Nu as I ride the raft }

HU knows the score ...speak no more ...HU watches down with the eyes thats black to the east blackwards sissies

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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