Dr. Wright’s message of a “hard fight,” stills rings true today. Wright seems to stress the need for teaching, and unlearning white definitions that really don’t apply to Black People. As a learned man in his profession, and during his time, he was great. However, the pace of the fight we face now steps to genetic classification.
It is the final frontier on the battle field of race relations. We must now level that playing field, altogether. Wright was steadfast in saying it is not easy to re-educate whites, let alone blacks.. During the 80's, there was no knowledge of Mt DNA, and the overwhelming effects of re-tracing the spreading of earth’s population back to Alkebu-lan. Genetic Classification is the task of today for the scholarly.
Thanks for checking in here Clyde!
Well...I did not hear him saying so much as "unleaning" white definitions that "don't apply" to us. I heard more of placing things in proper CONTEXT.
When he broke down Maslow's theory...he's saying that to work to support Folks of Afreekan Descent based on the theory as presented is likely to produce failed results. Not so much because of the "definitions" but because of the "position" we are in.
IF one is unable to provide "basic needs" ...according to Maslow...THEN one will never reach "self-actualization". FAD in this shystem have to fight whites to attain basic needs. Using this model as one to strive for ignores that basic fact first. The other issue becomes...HOW to assure basic needs are met when we are socialized to behave like them in order to attain those needs:?:
Are we to follow that standards of Capitalism to have our needs met:?:
Cause that's where the problem lies for me. Programs work to teach us to think and behave like them. We are told THIS is what you need to be successful and the ultimate of success is Self-Actualization.
Basic Needs, Safety, Love, Self esteem are ALL necessary ingredients to the Spirits survival here on Earth yet what happens when one's resources to attaining them are stolen, denied or limited:?: We probably need look only in our backyards or back allies for the answer now in 2008.
Many may claim that we have SELF-ACTUALIZED and that it was done WITHOUT those key ingredients....basic needs met, safety etc....so...why fight for them...who needs it:?: On a purely Spiritual tip...I'd agree with this however...I am still having a very human experience and the body NEEDS some sorta of food, water, safety and yes maybe even sex...maybe. there is a certain energetic exchange that happens with sexual intercourse.
As to MtDNA....that is not up my alley and it may be for some scholars who are into the field of genetics...yet...it is not for all.
After that task is accomplished ...then what:?:
Will this shystem be replaced:?: It seems it has already been done..this re-tracing and now white folk can say..."see we one of ya'll" since we ALL come from Alkebu-lan.