Black People : Do You Love Black People?

Do You Love Black People?

  • Yes

    Votes: 161 92.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • undecided

    Votes: 10 5.7%

  • Total voters

Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
Peace and Blessings Family,

Do you love Black People?

Please vote in the poll above and post your comments below.

I absolutely LOVE Black People ... :grouphug: ... and voted accordingly.


Despite all my critiques and all the negative things I say/do. I know that many times I am vexed and frustrated with the behavior of my people. I know that many times I am critical of our naivete or poor judgement. I think sometimes I have feelings that are still a holdover from being a Tom.

But yes, I love my people. I don't think I could sufficiently put it into words.

I love us, because we have been the loveless. The fact that we are still on this earth is the definition of a miracle. I love us because we are resilient. A people who had so much against them. I love us because we are the long shot, the underdog, the one in a million, the trailblazer, and the comeback kids.

We were robbed of everything. Our culture, our history, our very humanity, yet we found a reason to move forward. And that we did against all odds. I love us even when we still question this miracle. When we question on humanity and our accomplishments. Most cultures are far more arrogant with much less gained. I love us for our versatility. The ability to take bits and scraps from different peoples, cultures, and philosophies. We patch things together and create a home for ourselves.

Yeah, I love my people. But in the end, I do it for something a little more selfish than all of this.

I love my people because they loved me. . .even when I didn't love them back.
why does everybody else get to love themselves

but we can't somehow???


that's black people

and i have love for all people

and all the differences

but yes i do love black people very much

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Email me N2. This is Gypsyman... I am on here now as The Shadow Poet.. just made it back after many years. Hope u make it back and are blessed.
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