Black People : Do People Become Haters Dueto Negative Self Image?


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2009
owner of various real estate concerns
If you have ever seen Shakespeare's Richard the III, you know the answer!

But we all remember haters from grade school, the child tht cant draw hates the one that can

The overweight child hates those good a sports

and by high school young men and women at times develop complexes, dependng on how atractive they are to the opposite sex.

This complex sometimes later manifests in later life, and sdly some never get over it.

Hating at evry chance they get.

Not over an issue or political concern or injustice, but hating their family, friends, coworkers and neighbors

everytime they feel the itch.

Sad to say when it happens to Black folks, they take out their anger on other Blacks but nevertesytem that opresses them

And sadly never aquire a verifable track record of community service, work or support,
but dengrate and ridicule the actual work of others.

It would be interesting to go to each city, and actualy see wat folks are or are not doing,
spea to the local Black leadership and see who has helped their comunity or not

Speak to the neighbors, teens and elderly on a persons block and see who hs helped and who has not

But to a hater, facts, verification and evidence mean nothing cause hen they are in the mood and lonely,
that leg starts swinging and compulsory, they have to kick someone,
to releive the self hate.
If you have ever seen Shakespeare's Richard the III, you know the answer!

But we all remember haters from grade school, the child tht cant draw hates the one that can

The overweight child hates those good a sports

and by high school young men and women at times develop complexes, dependng on how atractive they are to the opposite sex.

This complex sometimes later manifests in later life, and sdly some never get over it.

Hating at evry chance they get.

Not over an issue or political concern or injustice, but hating their family, friends, coworkers and neighbors

everytime they feel the itch.

Sad to say when it happens to Black folks, they take out their anger on other Blacks but nevertesytem that opresses them

And sadly never aquire a verifable track record of community service, work or support,
but dengrate and ridicule the actual work of others.

It would be interesting to go to each city, and actualy see wat folks are or are not doing,
spea to the local Black leadership and see who has helped their comunity or not

Speak to the neighbors, teens and elderly on a persons block and see who hs helped and who has not

But to a hater, facts, verification and evidence mean nothing cause hen they are in the mood and lonely,
that leg starts swinging and compulsory, they have to kick someone,
to releive the self hate.

Why be so concerned what the other person is saying that they are doing in their community? Why feel the desire to make sure that what they are saying is true?

One shouldn't have to prove or boast about anything they do....It's the bragging and showing off that puts one's self out there to be hated on, to be called out on.

Live with some humility. There needs to be no track record of one's good deeds. This is not a competition to see who is better or does the most for others. REAL leaders don't need for the world to know or see the good acts that they do.

Everyone here has the option and the know how to get out there and do something if you don't like what the next person is doing. There's no room for hate when it comes to uplifting our community.

Real players (politicians, mentors, civil rights activists, doctors, leaders, etc.) have no concern about haters....Cause they keep it pushing regardless of what the next man thinks.
Why be so concerned what the other person is saying that they are doing in their community? Why feel the desire to make sure that what they are saying is true?

If I may, just speak to that one point:

My analysis: Such motive operandi reveals itself whenever someone says something the other disagrees with. They, usually can't see 'you' where you're at. Usually can't show where one is wrong. To say to the person 'hush up' with all that, is outta
bounds for it sets them up for the 'you don't like what I say, then bounce' retort. If they don't like it yet continue on, it exposes them then and compels them to 'hush up' or put forth an contrarian view and back it up with more than opinion, which they don't wanna do, probably because they aren't equipped to do it, probably. They don't wanna do that, so consequently they attempt to back you up to the wall by requesting 'what are you doing' in reflection to what 'you' have said, as a means to 'hush' you up.

Why do I say this:

Well, look at all the post/threads were folks have said, more or less, "we need to love each other" "we need to respect each other" and things of that nature. If you notice, no one has called them to task. No one has asked them what are they doing in relationship to what they have said.

Why is that?

I maintain, it is because they agree with such sentiments. Because it is agreed upon,
no one bothers to call them to task. It is seen as 'truth' whether or not the individual
making that exclaim is doing something about it or not.
If you have ever seen Shakespeare's Richard the III, you know the answer!

But we all remember haters from grade school, the child tht cant draw hates the one that can

The overweight child hates those good a sports

and by high school young men and women at times develop complexes, dependng on how atractive they are to the opposite sex.

This complex sometimes later manifests in later life, and sdly some never get over it.

Hating at evry chance they get.

Not over an issue or political concern or injustice, but hating their family, friends, coworkers and neighbors

everytime they feel the itch.

Sad to say when it happens to Black folks, they take out their anger on other Blacks but nevertesytem that opresses them

And sadly never aquire a verifable track record of community service, work or support,
but dengrate and ridicule the actual work of others.

It would be interesting to go to each city, and actualy see wat folks are or are not doing,
spea to the local Black leadership and see who has helped their comunity or not

Speak to the neighbors, teens and elderly on a persons block and see who hs helped and who has not

But to a hater, facts, verification and evidence mean nothing cause hen they are in the mood and lonely,
that leg starts swinging and compulsory, they have to kick someone,
to releive the self hate.

There is a difference between "hating" and sincere questioning of one's actions and/or motives in regards to Black empowerment.

Moreover, when one's ACTIONS speak louder than their WORDS, then no questioning is necessary.

And when one's ACTIONS, rather than words, are obviously geared TOWARD Black empowerment and engineered FOR Black empowerment (rather than personal power or greed), again, no questioning is necessary.

But, if one's actions VERSUS words appears contradictory, then, yes, questioning becomes necessary.

And "self-hate" is not always the sole source or "cause" of naysayers but other baser evils such as their own greed for power and money.
If I may, just speak to that one point:

My analysis: Such mode of thought reveals itself whenever someone says something the other disagrees with. They, usually can't see 'you' where you're at. Usually can't show where one is wrong. To say to the person 'hush up' with all that, is outta
bounds for it sets them up for the 'you don't like what I say, then bounce' retort. If they don't like it yet continue on, it exposes them then and compels them to 'hush up' or put forth an contrarian view and back it up with more than opinion, which they don't wanna do, probably because they aren't equipped to do it, probably. They don't wanna do that, so consequently they attempt to back you up to the wall by requesting 'what are you doing' in reflection to what 'you' have said, as a means to 'hush' you up.

Why do I say this:

Well, look at all the post/threads were folks have said, more or less, "we need to love each other" "we need to respect each other" and things of that nature. If you notice, no one has called them to task. No one has asked them what are they doing in relationship to what they have said.

Why is that?

I maintain, it is because they agree with such sentiments. Because it is agreed upon,
no one bothers to call them to task. It is seen as 'truth' whether or not the individual
making that exclaim is doing something about it or not.

Well thank you for that...but my question was more so directed to Ankhur...because he seems to have a deep-seeding concern with what folks are doing and NOT doing....


This is a website/forum, all one has to go on here is the other person's word, REGARDLESS of whatever thread you or another person conjured up...So you can say, "refer to the thread where I posted this and that about the positivity we must do and blah blah blah"...still they are still just words.

However, I can see where Ankhur is coming from (just a little),

but I feel that there should be no need to focus on "haters" and be concerned about mere talk on what they "claim they do", when one should just be concerned about the actions he decides to take in his community and live in humility....

If you don't believe them, then don't believe them....If they don't believe you, why do you feel you owe to them or yourself to prove what you claim you do?

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