If you have ever seen Shakespeare's Richard the III, you know the answer!
But we all remember haters from grade school, the child tht cant draw hates the one that can
The overweight child hates those good a sports
and by high school young men and women at times develop complexes, dependng on how atractive they are to the opposite sex.
This complex sometimes later manifests in later life, and sdly some never get over it.
Hating at evry chance they get.
Not over an issue or political concern or injustice, but hating their family, friends, coworkers and neighbors
everytime they feel the itch.
Sad to say when it happens to Black folks, they take out their anger on other Blacks but nevertesytem that opresses them
And sadly never aquire a verifable track record of community service, work or support,
but dengrate and ridicule the actual work of others.
It would be interesting to go to each city, and actualy see wat folks are or are not doing,
spea to the local Black leadership and see who has helped their comunity or not
Speak to the neighbors, teens and elderly on a persons block and see who hs helped and who has not
But to a hater, facts, verification and evidence mean nothing cause hen they are in the mood and lonely,
that leg starts swinging and compulsory, they have to kick someone,
to releive the self hate.
But we all remember haters from grade school, the child tht cant draw hates the one that can
The overweight child hates those good a sports
and by high school young men and women at times develop complexes, dependng on how atractive they are to the opposite sex.
This complex sometimes later manifests in later life, and sdly some never get over it.
Hating at evry chance they get.
Not over an issue or political concern or injustice, but hating their family, friends, coworkers and neighbors
everytime they feel the itch.
Sad to say when it happens to Black folks, they take out their anger on other Blacks but nevertesytem that opresses them
And sadly never aquire a verifable track record of community service, work or support,
but dengrate and ridicule the actual work of others.
It would be interesting to go to each city, and actualy see wat folks are or are not doing,
spea to the local Black leadership and see who has helped their comunity or not
Speak to the neighbors, teens and elderly on a persons block and see who hs helped and who has not
But to a hater, facts, verification and evidence mean nothing cause hen they are in the mood and lonely,
that leg starts swinging and compulsory, they have to kick someone,
to releive the self hate.