Chief Elder Osiris : Do Afrikans Owe Afrikan Americans Reparaton?

Chief Elder Osiris

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2002
Do Afrikans Owe Afrikan Americans Reparaton?


Tell me, why is it that Black people parading around as Afrikans, are so intent on running interference and serving as a distraction in favor of those people that coin the phrase Human Being to identify themselves, they that have a history of Demeaning, mutilating, Raping, castrating, sexual abusing our mother and father, Children, and Murdering the Life out of the black body as well, creating the Institution we now refer to as Chattel slavery, why do we have the want to shield these people from taking care of their responsibily for the action they did take in implimenting the institution of Chattel Slavery ?.

Yet here we are, claiming to be Afrikans, willing to serve as a distraction as to who it is that black People should develop a Tunnel Vision, when placing the blame on those that were responsible for Enslaving our Mother and Father, they using every deceiving Trick in their Lying book, in order to be successful in implementing their evil Institution used to Shackle and Enslave our Mother and father, the Momma and Poppa of us that were in the Diaspora without a Green Card or a Passport, nor he recipient of the torch waving statue, welcoming in those that chose to emigrate to what is referred to, as the United states of America, Racist Liars that they are.

There is no doubt that the Lying deceiving Human Beings were successful in getting members of the Black family to assist them in rounding up members of our family for purpose to be ferried away from their Home Land against their will, to be treated as white folks Chattel and I offer no apology for the role black folks participated, in capturing and bartering away our Momma and Poppa into the White man institution of Chattel slavery, an act by Black People that have had such a telling affect until the Shock Wave from such action is felt up unto this day.

So, yes black folks did assist white folks in capturing and selling black folks into an institution that was not created by black folks, but by the human Beings, referring to themselves as Human beings, a Being without a Divine conscious and most certainly is without Respect for the Life of black people.

Is it not a fact that, had not the human being arrived with their institution creation, it having a design with a motive to capture and Enslave Black People for purpose to satisfy their selfish want and desire, that was to end up with them having what we now refer to as the United States of america, that without them, the issue of our participation in this crime would in fact be a moot issue, and are we to imply that without the aid of black People, there would never had been the institution of Chattel Slavery and thus no america United States ? Hot Dishonest and Pitiful we Black People have become.

Beloved, no one dispute that members of our Family was duped into assisting the Human Being White Man into capturing of our Parents and we are not to be allowed to ever forget what we did to ourselves, and yes, we the Children from that ordeal is deserving of more than a verbal apology from our family members because what is owed to the Children of the Middle passage by the Members of the Family that did not fall victim to Chattel Slavery, is a right to the Land of our Enslaved ancestors and the Right the children from that evil institution have, to become as well, a recognizable State in Afrika, not until that right become a reality, Will our Enslaved Ancestors receive an apology coming from the black Family with forgiveness, they that participated in assisting in dividing the black family, under the motivation to aid the Evil human Beings to be successful in establishing their institution of Chattel Slavery.

To suggest that members of the Black Family in Afrka owe us Reparation of the same form that the creators of Chattel Slavery owe to our Enslaved ancestors, is to display an inability to Divinely understand the Dynamics of Chattel Slavery and who the archetech of such an evil institution of Chattel Slavery was to mean to the Life of Black People, in a place referred to as Afrika, and in a place america united states was to become and now is.

Black people referring to ourselves as Afrikans, we are not responsible for the Enslavement of our family members, but so call Afrikans are responsible for participating in the capturing and selling of our family Members into an institution of Chattel Slavery that was designed, created, and implemented by European White and Jewish People, and they and they alone is responsible for the Crime of Chattel Slavery against Black People and the Reparation Debt owed to our Enslaved Ancestors, they who were the workers in the Building what we refer to as America.

Yet, black Folks rather defend white Folks on the issue of Reparation, by taking a irrational stand against the divine Right our Enslaved Ancestors, they who have earned the right to obtain Reparation, and it is this divine Truth, that is beyond Compromise with White Folks, and more especially with black Folks, those who attack the Right of Our Enslaved Ancestors to Reparation, using all sorts of ignorant, wanting, and unreasonable excuse, why we choose to take such a stand against the penalty of white Folks, for their crimes against our Enslaved Ancestors.

For Black People to be against Reparation for our Enslaved Ancestors, is equal to being in favor of chattel Slavery, as we come up with all sorts of ignorant excuses for not confronting white folks about that devilish institution, Chattel slavery and their deeds, the institution in which our Momma and Poppa suffered and did Die, from such evil that flowed from the Dungeons of Chattel Slavery .

No!, No! beloved, chattel slavery is all about the treatment our enslaved Ancestors received at he Hand of White Folks, while working from sun up to sun down, never t receive one cent for their labor and suffering, so such should be the Prime focus of he Black attention, the secondary aspect of that Drama Will be dealt with at the Round Table of Black Folks at its appropriate Time but now is not the Time, and to do so, Will serve as a distraction from the Primary Cause for the Enslavement of our Ancestors into that evil institution of Chattel Slavery and now what is owed to our Enslaved Ancestors in the form of Reparaon.

Yet there are black Folks that have the audacity to infer, for us to demand Reparation from the Criminals that committed the crime against the Black World, is of the level of us Begging white Folks, Hell, we are not seeking Welfare here, we are seeking Divine Justice for our Enslaved Ancestors and the Criminal of that Crime, Chattel Slavery, must be made to pay for such an evil criminal act against Black People, and the penalty is Reparation, a Mass exodus away from their lying and deceiving behind, and the first sign of repentance that must come from the Family in Afrika, is to receive us with open Arms, acknowledging our Divine right, not to be treated as returning Settler Refugees, but as a Viable Constructive addition to the Family of states in Afrka, welcoming our Right to become the Next state in Afrika, made up of Family Members that once was Lost and Now has Returned with their divine Mind.

Here Is Lovingly Thinking Of You

Chief Elder
"For Black People to be against Reparation for our Enslaved Ancestors, is equal to being in favor of chattel Slavery, as we come up with all sorts of ignorant excuses for not confronting white folks about that devilish institution, Chattel slavery and their deeds, the institution in which our Momma and Poppa suffered and did Die, from such evil that flowed from the Dungeons of Chattel Slavery .

No!, No! beloved, chattel slavery is all about the treatment our enslaved Ancestors received at he Hand of White Folks, while working from sun up to sun down, never t receive one cent for their labor and suffering, so such should be the Prime focus of he Black attention, the secondary aspect of that Drama Will be dealt with at the Round Table of Black Folks at its appropriate Time but now is not the Time, and to do so, Will serve as a distraction from the Primary Cause for the Enslavement of our Ancestors into that evil institution of Chattel Slavery and now what is owed to our Enslaved Ancestors in the form of Reparaon.

Yet there are black Folks that have the audacity to infer, for us to demand Reparation from the Criminals that committed the crime against the Black World, is of the level of us Begging white Folks, Hell, we are not seeking Welfare here, we are seeking Divine Justice for our Enslaved Ancestors and the Criminal of that Crime, Chattel Slavery, must be made to pay for such an evil criminal act against Black People, and the penalty is Reparation, a Mass exodus away from their lying and deceiving behind, and the first sign of repentance that must come from the Family in Afrika, is to receive us with open Arms, acknowledging our Divine right, not to be treated as returning Settler Refugees, but as a Viable Constructive addition to the Family of states in Afrka, welcoming our Right to become the Next state in Afrika, made up of Family Members that once was Lost and Now has Returned with their divine Mind."
Yes, I said seeking reparations amounts to begging whitey. That is MY opinion and I see you cannot come to grips with it. Are you open to hear me out? Now in all of your above writing you seem to know the nature of whitey, yet are under the mistaken belief that they CARE what they have done or have any remorse to rectify the harm.

Certainly our people were harmed and we ARE due reparations. But that does not mean that it is the best course of action. Exactly how long are we to wait around, begging whitey to atone for his brutality as our situation steadily worsens? How long are we going to be mentally chained to the plantation (seeking/expecting whitey to provide for us in the midst of their continuing exploitation and brutality), instead of working to provide for ourselves? Btw, they "gave" us civil rights. It didn't stop the abuse. If they "give" us reparations, it won't stop the abuse. We have to stop the abuse. Do you really believe they will give us the tools we need to defeat them? There are no short-cuts on this road we are traveling.

Tell me, when will it be time for us to stop looking to whitey for our deliverance or to aid in our deliverance? Do we need to continually ask for help to become whole, as if we are children? Or do WE build on what we have right now to achieve what we want? We don't need anything but OURSELVES to change our conditions.

We are the original people. We are the PARENTS on this earth. I think it's time we started acting like it.
Beloved you seem to have taken this Missive personallly, iI am really sharing a reply to a post at another yahoogroup, but be that as it may.

I see you tend to respond to me using assumptn about that which I say and the reason I say certain things.

All you have to reply to me about in defense of rejecting Reparation, I have heard and Clearly Understand and such saying is not rational in an effort to reject Reparation as being a Prime issue with the result from such a success that will change the conditon of afrika and the Life of the black world, but you see, if that is not what you want,then we become not available to that we Need.

No beloved, my objective is not to change your Mind concerning Reparation, that is an obligation that rest with you and you alone, yet I remain Firm in that which I share and how the reaction to what I share is revealed, affect not me, but the one doing the reactng to that which I share, in this case, Reparation.

Again, Reparation is not equated to begging and White people have not the fnal say about whether we black folks will receive Reparation, this issue is all about he state of mind of Black People concerning Reparation and with he Mind you have displayed to me concerning Reparation, you have given the Power of decision makng concerning Reparation to the Criminal himsef, a Mental state that keep us in a state of mental Weakeness.

Be well Beloved

Here Is Lovigly Thinkng Of You

Chief Elder

Select African individuals sold other African individuals into slavery, African individuals never sold Black American, West Indian or Black Latino individuals into slavery.The Black American culture and ethnic identity was formed in the American South. None of the modern African states were in existence during the time of the Atlantic slave trade, the oldest modern African state (Ghana) is a mere 50 years old. The debt (along with the unreasonable interest added to it by the World Bank and Western governments) accumulated by corrupt African governments during the 1970s is the primary reason for sub-saharan Africa's current economic crisis (it's also the reason why the West has a monopoly on sub-saharan Africa's resources). That you seriously believe sub-saharan African governments owe the richest group of Black people in the world money when they should be eliminating their debts and providing decent living conditions for their populations is beyond me. It is not my intent to come off as confrontational or insensitive but I really don't care that African people were involved in the slave trade and I feel no guilt or shame about it.. For the 200 000 years that our species has existed, human beings of every cultural and ethnic group have been mistreating and wronging other human beings, I don't see why Africans are supposed to be an exception to this. Homo sapiens as a whole are an imperfectly evolved species.
Chief Elder Osiris said:
Beloved you seem to have taken this Missive personallly, iI am really sharing a reply to a post at another yahoogroup, but be that as it may.

And exactly how am I to know this? When people create posts, I assume they want to discuss that which they have presented. However, since I know you are only interested in sharing your views and not discussing them, I will not waste anymore of my time attempting to do so.

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