The question is,
"did the fear of death actually give birth to religion?"
No.... I would not suspect "Death" as inspiration for Religion.
Religion was very likely inspired by the Politics and Social Control of large populations of peoples with differing race culture history geography and beliefs.
After all, death is an inescapable and intrinsic part of human existence.
Intrinsic Yes, Inescapable not sure.
After all it's the end of one's human life. Again death is inevitable. it's a fundamental feature of our lives.
Fundamental yes, Inevitable not sure.
It maybe the end of human life but not the end of Life.
Yet, the fear
of death has always been present in most humans, etc. often the fear of death is worst than death!
Is it the fear of Death or the fear of Pain and Suffering and to a lesser extent the Unknown?
Man's Basic Animal Nature is to flee from Pain and seek out Pleasure.
Now... religion itself has its origin in relation to death by introducing a belief system
that helps to reduce the fear of death! Btw,
Religion uses anything that creates the disincentives of fear, Punishment, guilt, shame and humiliation with in incentives of various Rewards and Blessings to gain control over the hearts and mind of Man.....Carrot or Stick.
in your personal view, are humans the only creatures aware of death?
I am sure that most of you don't care to venture into these conversations concerning death.
Death is a mystery and one of the many frontiers Mankind seeks to understand more and more, Jesus Christ is said to have Conquered Death......"Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"
you don't won't to really think about it, etc. As we all know it may come at any time, etc. Death is just not fixed on older old people, it comes at any age! it's again, inevitable. Yet, my question is in regard to the association between death and religion. Do you feel that the fear of death gave birth to religion? Whut say you?
Understand that Religion is the Politicization of Spirituality
Spirituality is the search for The Truth that sets us Free..
Politics is about Control.