Pets / Animals : Der Strider - DDR German Shepherd

Jan 22, 2001
betwixt and between
Website Consultant
I wouldn't think of it so much as a test than having the information and learning of what his boundaries (thresholds) are for the direction of where or what you need to handle him. If you find a helper (decoy) willing to take on the task they will give their opinion, that's what you pay them for.
On finding a helper...............just like all handlers and trainers everyone has an opinion and usually none of it matches the other and very often contradicts the other. Yeh I know not much help. But the thing is all of them (the helpers) see and work with more dogs in any given month then either one of us will work with in a life time. Finding a good helper is the trick. A good helper is one who works with the individual dog rather than having a cookie cutter training fits all dogs mentality.
You don't seem to be inclined to join a sports club (French ring, Schutzhund, PSA (Protection Sport Assn.), etc etc) and thats ok and attending any of those competitive events aren't likely to help in what your looking for because all the dogs and handlers on the field have trained their animal to the singular exercises in that one endeavor and by necessity there'll be only very subtle differences between how this or that helper will work the dogs. However if you go to the clubs where they meet and train the animals you can readily see how a helper works this dog different then that dog. It it always the same or is each dog handled on it's own terms and limitations? When you observe one that seems the most adaptive in working with each individual dog, approach him after the club business is done and talk to him about what you have in mind.
PetSmart?????? If you want to see the product of PetSmart training just go to the local dog park and watch for awhile.

I've never seen Strider back away from anything, but no I've never actually tested him. But then again over the 13 or is it 14 years? he's been at my side I've got plenty of stories to assuage any wonder in my mind of how he may respond to most any given scenario.

Actually what Strider knows truth be told is that he is king of the world and dares anything man or beast to prove him wrong. He's possessive and territorial to the max with just enough prey drive to be able to work with him. He doesn't particularly like people other than to check them out, doesn't like to be pet or physically handled at all (even by me). He's locked, loaded and cocked at all times looking for even the smallest offense.
That's what Strider knows.....has known since he was about 8 weeks old which is when he came into my life.

I've been into the dog world my whole life or rather dogs and I have had a relationship for as long as I can remember.
I learn something new with every dog I meet.

That kind of work is called flooding in training parlance. Sometimes it works if the dog is inwardly stable enough to take it. Often times though flooding over whelms them and makes the problem even worse. Careful how you use it.
If you give him something else to do he enjoys to distract him while all the (random) noises are going on at the same time may be a better course. It'll give him some relieve from the inner tension he's experiencing.

Yes dogs respond better to body language than words.

Hi @ogoun ... how are you and Strider? Thanks for the encouraging words above.

Love You!


Sadly August of last year I had to help him on his journey to another plane.

Thanks for thinking of him, he was a special dog.

Ohhhhh Brother @ogoun ... I am so sorry to read this. How are you doing? Oh my gosh. I know this had to be the worst. I don't think you have ever posted a picture of Strider, would you? Oh, bless his heart. Tell me more if you can please. You say you helped him on his journey, how did you do it? Was he in pain in the end? Oh my gosh. Did you see it coming? Strider was about 15 years old? Oh gosh. How did you know it was time? Did a vet tell you, or did you just know yourself? Oh my gosh. I can't imagine. Of course this has crossed my mind, Black's demise. I have mentioned how the cost of everything is more, the bigger the dog is, and I'd imagine it is the same in death, but of course we want a peaceful transition for the babies, no matter the cost. Oh my gosh Brother Ogoun. I am so sorry for your loss.

Do you think you will get another dog? Have one already?

How are you doing Brother Ogoun?

Love You!


Ohhhhh Brother @ogoun ... I am so sorry to read this. How are you doing? Oh my gosh. I know this had to be the worst. I don't think you have ever posted a picture of Strider, would you? Oh, bless his heart. Tell me more if you can please. You say you helped him on his journey, how did you do it? Was he in pain in the end? Oh my gosh. Did you see it coming? Strider was about 15 years old? Oh gosh. How did you know it was time? Did a vet tell you, or did you just know yourself? Oh my gosh. I can't imagine. Of course this has crossed my mind, Black's demise. I have mentioned how the cost of everything is more, the bigger the dog is, and I'd imagine it is the same in death, but of course we want a peaceful transition for the babies, no matter the cost. Oh my gosh Brother Ogoun. I am so sorry for your loss.

Do you think you will get another dog? Have one already?

How are you doing Brother Ogoun?

Love You!


It never gets any easier because they never live long enough. I still miss him even after a year and, just as I do with all my dogs past, will probably still miss him til the day I go on my own journey.
I had posted a picture once in thread I think you must have deleted on account of something some now ex member had said about something or another. Don't know one day that thread was gone. (Shrug, not my business)
But glad to show him off if you like. Me thinks he was about maybe 10 or 11 months here? Any ways he's not completely filled out but I like the photo.
Der Strider was an old working line DDR GSD going back well before pre-war Germany and unless I'm extremely lucky will be my last European dog from the the older lines.
What I wouldn't give to have him back at my side again.

If you like, I've got puppy pix and growing/ training stages as well as some stories of our, ahem rather sobering, 'exploits' together, I'll be happy to provide all.
OMG Brother @ogoun ... I am so excited to be reading this again and posting to it! I saw it before, your first post with the pic of Strider, but now I see you've added another! Oh Boy! :jumping: Please don't consider my delay in responding as not interested. I am so interested!!! Oh Boy, He is Beautiful! OMG! Okay, going to read and get caught up! :read:



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