1.Go where? It hadn't gone anywhere you haven't already taken it.
You tell someone that there 'god' concept is not true/right/correct. Do I need to quote you for clarity sake? Then say your 'god' concept is right/true/correct.
2.What about those who may want to understand the [your] truth? Am I to simply accept what you say "expressed" without query?
3. It is not a question of what one believe or do not believe. You are the one who posted that which compelled me to inquire.
4.I don't need them all. Would you mind sharing 3?
5.However, I did not call it anything, I am asking.
6.I serve to know [not believe] where you stand and why you stand there. If it is mere belief/faith, then it's okay to express that and that would be the end of it as far as I'm concern. However when one presents/declare what they believe under the guise of fact [intended or not intended], the presenter is leaving room for query. For if what you propound is for 'like minded' individuals, they have a safe haven known as a religious 'study group' forum for that. Beyond such safe haven, anything anyone posts is 'up for grabs'.
7.This is what I do, or at least try to do, as was suggested to me when dealing with these kinds of talks. In my mind:
I put my index fingers and thumbs together and form a circle. I tell myself that this space within the circle represents my realm of knowledge. That everything that I think I know about whatever I think I know [and or believe] is represented in this circumference of this circle. Keeping in mind that there are still things to know [and or spiritually discover] that exist outside the circle of my own awareness.
1.To try to be as concise as POSSIBLE; it's going toward a circular debate with a person of faith and one of none. Who I spoke to did at least show to believe a Higher Power, if they disagree then we can express points on how what makes more since for the creation. If you believe no creation, I'm starting way far back to convince which I know ain't happening.
2. Those of faith, of course not! Those who have no faith but want to disprove in their understanding, why bothet save to start trouble? You don't believe, move on.
3. If you don't and will not, and you know you won't, you waste my and your own time with questions posed for debate.
4.I just told you I put it out of mind; you don't believe that either? I was serious, I really did put that stuff out of mind, I got alot to think about!
5. You didn't call it, you just asked. True.
6. Sir, I'll not be run off to some study group with the knowlwdge of my words being "up for grabs". You're only wasting your time when you know you won't believe. I don't wanna waste any with you by getting you to understand where I stand when I know you will not have any of it. What does it gain you to know this about me? You're likely not trying to make a friend, a girlfriend, a teacher, or a student, nor anythhng of the sort so why bother?
7.Now, puh-lease, have a nice one! And puh-lease do not quote this whole thing! It took me far too long to write on my T.V. Be kind, okay? Let it go, you can let this one go.
I don't hate you, belief or not. Now show some love and don't continue this circle. K?