Black Spirituality Religion : Deceptions and Myths of the bible


The Age of Aquarius
Sep 27, 2005

Page 289
Deceptions and Myths of the bible
Lloyd M. Graham
New York: Kensington Publishing Corporation (1975)

"...The Sibylline Verses also contained material that later became "sacred Christian doctrine" --the prophecy of a Savior, his miraculous birth, and divine parentage, etc. Virgil mentions them thus:

Begin Sicilian Muse, a lofty strain,
The voice of Cumae's oracle is heard again.
See where the cycling years new blessings bring;
The Virgin comes, and he, the long-wished king.

Saint Justin, born about 100 A.D. quoted the Sibylline Verses in his efforts to convince the Emperor Marcus Antonius that Christ's coming had been foretold, not only by Hebrew prophets but by the Cumaean Sibyl. Constantine also quoted them to prove the divinity of Chrit, which proves only that these early Christians were completely ignorant of their meaning, for these verses were referring only to the zodiacal cycles. In these cycles lies also the zodiacal meaning of many things assumed to derive from Christ --Christmas, Easter, and the like..."
Why is it so that all think the bible was a splice of other tales; why not recognize that other tales were and are actually perverted stolen works of the Holy Scriptures? Sure, some may give you dates as to which came first, but none came before the Father and His Word, so all those twisted tales/ripoffs came after. Please consider.
Not sure about 'all' -- just know that the biblical text has 52 points of reference which span deep in the antiquity of Ancient KmT:

Annals of Nebuchadnezzar II, The
Annals of Sargon II, The
Annals of Sennacherib, The
Annals of Shalmaneser III, The
Annals of Tiglath-Pileser III, The
Arad Ostraca, The
Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III, The
Book of Coming Forth Into the Light, The
Code of Hammurabi, The
Cycle of Songs in Honor of Senwosre
Cylinder of Cyrus, The
Diary of Wen-Amon, The
Egyptian Coffin Text, The
Egyptian Pyramid Text, The
Egyptian Tale of Two Brothers, The (Story of Anabis and Bata)
El Amarna Letters on the stele of Memeptah, The
Enuma Elish, The
Gezer Almanac, The
Gilgamesh Tales, The
Hittite Code, The
Hymns of Amun
Hymns of Aten
"Illimilku" The Scribe
Instruction of Amenemipet
Instruction of Amenemipet son of Kanakht
Instruction of Man for His Son, The
Karatepe Inscription, The
Lamentations of Kwaku Pra Sebe, The
Lachlish Letters
Mari Prophecies
Middle Assyrian Code, The
Papyrus of Anhai, The
Papyrus of Ani, The
Papyrus of Anhkwahibre, The
Papyrus of GautSushen, The
Papyrus of Hunifer, The
Papyrus of Kenna, The
Papyrus of Nebseni, The
Papyrus of Nesi-Khemsu
Papyrus Chester Beatty IV
Paris Papyrus, The
Siloam Inscription, The
Stele of Abu, The
Stele of Djehuti
Story of Anubis-Nefer
Story of Aqhat, The
Story of Keret, The
Teachings of Ahiqar, The
Teachings of Amenemope, The
Teachings of Ptah-Hotep
Turin Papyrus, The
Yavne-Yam Inscription. The

The MOTHER/GODDESS of CREATION came first and then was later usurped by those who wanted to insert the current system of patriarchy that we now see in place. Yet know this was not always the norm.

Why is it so that all think the bible was a splice of other tales; why not recognize that other tales were and are actually perverted stolen works of the Holy Scriptures? Sure, some may give you dates as to which came first, but none came before the Father and His Word, so all those twisted tales/ripoffs came after. Please consider.
Oh no, there definitely is no mother goddess; we women are something special created by the Father just for man; we have our own look that we only bear; no goddess at all. Men are special to us because they bear the Father's image, with the black man having the most complete image of His Divinity(whites lack that color), and the Son bearing an even closer appearance and bond. It is the Father who protects, and nurtures, but He split that duty among people for mom, and dad, to that which suited us best. The earth nurtures, but only because the Father says; if you have not His Living Word in you, you have not life. Believe this.

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