Black People : Conspiracy Realism 24-7/365

Too late for this fear mongering, A large % of us know now!

Just like covid19 did not get anywhere, neither will this...

EXACTLY Fine1952!

What about the FACT that for the first time in known by us human history humanity's masses are all but totally superfluous to the POWER ELITE due to the geometrically progressive rate of advancement in Automation and Artificial Intelligence [AI], or haven't any of you noted their mass/social media’s constant overpopulation BS/hype?

Aren't all of the alleged "Conspiracy Theorists" predictions becoming verifiable facts in 2024 in that aren't the masses behaving like the Epsilon semi-morons, completely clueless AUTOMATONS as predicted by Aldous Huxley in 'Brave New World' that ALL of the lower echelons of humanity would become?

In fact isn't automaton like brain death a malaise that seems to currently be all-pervasive with even some of the 'Alphas' ruling elite [who might just be faking compliance while knowing exactly how they are going to swerve the mass Corona virus Covid 19 vaccine sterilisation, cull initiative and the impending Monkey Pox pandemic/vaccine NONSENSE] supposedly embracing this MADNESS as the WAY TO GO today?

Isn't the obvious question how has humanity survived, thrived for millions of years without vaccinations in that aren’t THEY assuming that we are ALL the Epsilon semi-morons that Aldous Huxley predicted would be such a heavy burden for this so profoundly delusional intelligentsia would be Alphas/POWER ELITE [LUCIFERIAN LUNATICS inc, Zionist Jews and assorted Rothschild BANKSTERS coalition with Europe's still ruling Feudal nobility] in his book Brave New World?

In the case of of the still ongoing in 2024 Corona virus Covid 19 PLANSCAMDEMIC isn’t the biggest danger the WICKED’s deployment of even more potent germ warfare agents to make the second wave a very devastating REAL pandemic as part of this so transparent initiative to cull humanity’s masses and totally enslave the devolved GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM [GMO] remnants into even more easily programmable, totally controllable Cyborg Slave AUTOMATONS: as part of their One World currency, religion and Government to totally enslave everyone [10 times more efficiently than the irons used on my enslaved African ancestors and their siblings and comrades who were tortured, mutilated and murdered for either refusing to BOW/be BROKEN, or as the means of traumatizing the rest of us into total subservience] in every area of human activity this time, agenda?

This current POWER ELITE/Gates Foundation sponsored pathogen with toxic mercury, aluminium, grapheme hydroxide particles and nanites, is an either human foetal or monkey mRNA coding material laden bio-weapon initiative aspiring to rewrite the human genome/God molecule [without asking or telling us] that while allegedly telling our immune system to produce spike proteins to attack Covid 19 [a sample of which is still missing in Wuhan and worldwide] which will also ACCIDENTALLY tell our sperm, eggs to stop transferring DNA with some jabbed teenage girls going straight to menopause; as opposed to normal VACCINE as isn’t very very efficiently sterilizing 7 billion people in alignment with their REAL massive population reduction agenda, or haven't any of you seen, read the Georgia Guidestones?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?

EXACTLY Fine1952!

What about the FACT that for the first time in known by us human history humanity's masses are all but totally superfluous to the POWER ELITE due to the geometrically progressive rate of advancement in Automation and Artificial Intelligence [AI], or haven't any of you noted their mass/social media’s constant overpopulation BS/hype?

Aren't all of the alleged "Conspiracy Theorists" predictions becoming verifiable facts in 2024 in that aren't the masses behaving like the Epsilon semi-morons, completely clueless AUTOMATONS as predicted by Aldous Huxley in 'Brave New World' that ALL of the lower echelons of humanity would become?

In fact isn't automaton like brain death a malaise that seems to currently be all-pervasive with even some of the 'Alphas' ruling elite [who might just be faking compliance while knowing exactly how they are going to swerve the mass Corona virus Covid 19 vaccine sterilisation, cull initiative and the impending Monkey Pox pandemic/vaccine NONSENSE] supposedly embracing this MADNESS as the WAY TO GO today?

Isn't the obvious question how has humanity survived, thrived for millions of years without vaccinations in that aren’t THEY assuming that we are ALL the Epsilon semi-morons that Aldous Huxley predicted would be such a heavy burden for this so profoundly delusional intelligentsia would be Alphas/POWER ELITE [LUCIFERIAN LUNATICS inc, Zionist Jews and assorted Rothschild BANKSTERS coalition with Europe's still ruling Feudal nobility] in his book Brave New World?

In the case of of the still ongoing in 2024 Corona virus Covid 19 PLANSCAMDEMIC isn’t the biggest danger the WICKED’s deployment of even more potent germ warfare agents to make the second wave a very devastating REAL pandemic as part of this so transparent initiative to cull humanity’s masses and totally enslave the devolved GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM [GMO] remnants into even more easily programmable, totally controllable Cyborg Slave AUTOMATONS: as part of their One World currency, religion and Government to totally enslave everyone [10 times more efficiently than the irons used on my enslaved African ancestors and their siblings and comrades who were tortured, mutilated and murdered for either refusing to BOW/be BROKEN, or as the means of traumatizing the rest of us into total subservience] in every area of human activity this time, agenda?

This current POWER ELITE/Gates Foundation sponsored pathogen with toxic mercury, aluminium, grapheme hydroxide particles and nanites, is an either human foetal or monkey mRNA coding material laden bio-weapon initiative aspiring to rewrite the human genome/God molecule [without asking or telling us] that while allegedly telling our immune system to produce spike proteins to attack Covid 19 [a sample of which is still missing in Wuhan and worldwide] which will also ACCIDENTALLY tell our sperm, eggs to stop transferring DNA with some jabbed teenage girls going straight to menopause; as opposed to normal VACCINE as isn’t very very efficiently sterilizing 7 billion people in alignment with their REAL massive population reduction agenda, or haven't any of you seen, read the Georgia Guidestones?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?

The guides tones that once stood in Atlanta have been demolished.

Are you sure you are not IPXninja, you are wordy just like him...?
The guides tones that once stood in Atlanta have been demolished.

Are you sure you are not IPXninja, you are wordy just like him...?
Fine 1952 is it a FACT that the Georgia Guide Stones have been demolished, do you know when that occurred and who ordered their destruction?

BTW even though I too believe IPXninja is either multiple persona PALEFACE AI TROLL cyberspace BATTERING RAM or a very very lost baffled and confused BLACK NEGROBOT I truly hope Destee does not ban him, despite him blowing his cover suggesting that "Blacks" should just man up like the Jews allegedly did after their HOLOCAUST.

Without such WEIRDOS how would we KNOW what ludicrous narratives the PALEFACE VERMIN are aspiring to project, promote on our message boards?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?
IDIOT TESTS are Standard.jpg
Fine 1952 is it a FACT that the Georgia Guide Stones have been demolished, do you know when that occurred and who ordered their destruction?

BTW even though I too believe IPXninja is either multiple persona PALEFACE AI TROLL cyberspace BATTERING RAM or a very very lost baffled and confused BLACK NEGROBOT I truly hope Destee does not ban him, despite him blowing his cover suggesting that "Blacks" should just man up like the Jews allegedly did after their HOLOCAUST.

Without such WEIRDOS how would we KNOW what ludicrous narratives the PALEFACE VERMIN are aspiring to project, promote on our message boards?

Isn’t ANYONE who genuinely believes they are not programmed
graphically illustrating that their programming is COMPLETE?
View attachment 32997
Of course, Eye never talk out of the side of my neck. Do you ever research?


This demolition occurred 2 years ago
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Destee wrote on frankster's profile.
Destee wrote on Chevron Dove's profile.
Thank you Sister for seeing the value in our community and being here with me ... :swings: ... :love: ... :kiss: ... :yaay: