Black Spirituality Religion : concise refutation...

My first issue is whether or not anyone here believes the argument stating that black people are the original people because their skin color is the color of soil (earth) as I've had someone use that on me and it's very, very easy to refute.

I don't believe the world was ever all one race at all and don't believe in any type of racial supremacy.

Please let me know what you think.

Salamun 'alaykum

I don't believe the world was ever all one race at all and don't believe in any type of racial supremacy.

I agree too in that there is no such thing as racial supremacy.
But the word 'race' is itself, the problem and so it's difficult to even respond to the question. When 'race' is defined by color, then that is the problem. I guess one could pose the question, were original humans all black? That too, becomes problematic in regards to the genetics of today.
do you believe King David was beige or red complexioned and what do you believe about how this relates to Esau's complexion.

I read in a magazine called trumpet quoting ancient roman historians that the pale blue eyed blonde haired white people descended from assyria through the tribe of asshur who migrated to northern europe not from esau whom ancient jews held to be the forefather of the greeks and romans who migrated to southern europe from edom.
do you believe King David was beige or red complexioned and what do you believe about how this relates to Esau's complexion.

Yes, of course. King David was described as being RUDDY and this means that he was a reddish-brown complexion.
How does this compare/contrast to Esau--VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION and needs to be distinguished.
The answer would be in that it was also stated that Esau was red and also VERY HAIRY and this aspect is an extremely revealing aspect to the difference between David's description as opposed to Esau. People that can have the red and hairy phenotype expression as opposed to being RUDDY reveals two distinct traits that exist in humans today.
do you believe King David was beige or red complexioned and what do you believe about how this relates to Esau's complexion.

I read in a magazine called trumpet quoting ancient roman historians that the pale blue eyed blonde haired white people descended from assyria through the tribe of asshur who migrated to northern europe not from esau whom ancient jews held to be the forefather of the greeks and romans who migrated to southern europe from edom.
I read in a magazine called trumpet quoting ancient roman historians that the pale blue eyed blonde haired white people descended from assyria through the tribe of asshur who migrated to northern europe not from esau whom ancient jews held to be the forefather of the greeks and romans who migrated to southern europe from edom.

NO! This is absolutely wrong.
Pale blue eyed blonde haired white people can be connected to Assyrians through the tribe of Asshur--that part is true!
But they not only migrated to northern europe but in other places too.
The ancient jews held to be the forefather of the greeks and romans?
FIRST OF ALL, the Bible clearly states that the Jews too were intermixed with Asshur Shem--so this is the first revelation in the flaw.
How does Esau tie into this, makes no sense because he was not the origin of this trait of blonde hair and blue eyes..
And Europeans whether they migrated north or south europe, this also is flawed.
In order to understand the origin of blonde hair and blue eyes, you have to go much farther back in human history to understand how this trait came about.
ASSHUR SHEM has his parternal origins in Shem but his maternal origins a Canaanite woman and she is where this trait stems from, however, she was also not the beginning of this trait either.
The descendants of Asshur eventually developed cultures and divided due to COLORISM.
The Assyrians--AS-SYRIANS were AS meaning 'WHITE'-Syrians.
The Syrians--were ethnic Syrians and were in the southern regions of Syria while the Assyrians developed their cultures in the northern parts of Syria.
The HEBREW ISRAELITES stem from this very origin of SYRIA themselves. Their paternal origins are Shem and their maternal origins are Syrian.
So both the Assyrians and Syrians come from Asshur Shem.
also, i'd like to ask how esau became so evil or hated when isaac gave him a blessing also after blessing ya'qub:
deutoronomy 23 7-8:

7 Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land.

8 The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the Lord in their third generation. (KJV)
also, i'd like to ask how esau became so evil or hated when isaac gave him a blessing also after blessing ya'qub:
deutoronomy 23 7-8:

The Bible reveals that Esau was hated because he detested his blessing, so much so, that he was willing to give it away to his little brother. A lot of Christians do not understand this because of not being able to understand what happened over a process of time. After Esau gave it away, well, later, he wanted it back only because of the good benefits that became manifested later in time. But because he did not endure the hardship of what it took to embrace his blessing, therefore, God rejected him.

In order to understand this blessing more, the life of his little brother needs to be understood.
Jacob was a plain man who like his grandfather Abraham dwelt in tents.
But Esau wanted to be associated with 'a status quo' flashier lifestyle of which he saw that was occurring in the Egyptian lands of the Philistim and etc. Esau did not want to be associated with the rugged lifestyle of the Negroes of Ham and yes, Abra-HAMites. Oh no. He was drawn to the fabulous civilizations that were developing.
Esau hated his Birthright of a Firstborn--to be like AbraHam, a wilderness man who dwelt in tent. NO matter that his grandfather was dominant and had a very successful lifestyle too. Abra-HAM developed a tent city culture and it was awesome, but Esau was embarrassed by that type of lifestyle. However little brother was down with that. Jacob took on the challenge. And so did his mothers. Both Sarah and Rebecca respected their husbands and lived that way of life.
But now, once Jacob migrated back down south to take over the lands, well, Esau was like NO WAY! I want to be the inheritor of this land! I WANT MY BIRTHRIGHT BACK! LOL!

But God said to Esau, 'Beware, don't pursue your brother. Vacate the lands! You gave it up. It's not yours anymore.'

FAST FORWARD to more than a thousand years later, HEROD now wants to be considered a Jew and reign over the land of Jerusalem. Oh but no. Jesus the Jew was his rightrul land. The land of Israel.
The Edomites of Idumaea still try to identify as descendants of AbraHam, but this is a problem.
The descendants of Abraham should not be looking like ASSYRIANS. They should be looking like Syrians or better still Abrah---HAMites.
THERE IS MORE TO THIS STORY, but this may help to understand why God hated Edom.
And why the descendants of Edom continue to contend with the Jews and Israelites.
The Israelites should be looking like KUSH HAMITES and NOT Canaanite Hamites.
there were real (not black) hebrews who were living in diaspora long before the failed revolts, many of whom never left babylon and many who lived in babylon and syria, not palestine/canaan

as for the khazars, they only had a small number of people in the ruling class who converted to judaism and there is no evidence at all to suggest any kind of mass conversion of the populace just a small minority of the ruling class.

as for the part about dominant genes all you have to do is google dominant genes examples and you can find counltess articles on it listing all kinds of dominant genes most of which can be posessed by any race only some of which can't

Please get back to me about the part about esau/edom when you get a chance

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