Black Spirituality Religion : concise refutation...


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2022
I was here years ago and started thread called "the concise refutation of those who think the people of kush are the children of israel" thread. I'm no longer using those old accounts and this will be my only account from now on.

I'm opening this thread with a different approach in that I will deal with one issue at a time rather than an entire article as writing too much at once seems to have caused large portions of my points go without a response.

I'm taking it slow this time as I'm only online once a week.

ma'as salama
My first issue is whether or not anyone here believes the argument stating that black people are the original people because their skin color is the color of soil (earth) as I've had someone use that on me and it's very, very easy to refute.

I don't believe the world was ever all one race at all and don't believe in any type of racial supremacy.

Please let me know what you think.

Salamun 'alaykum
Another question would be why you think Latino people are descendants of the lost tribes of Israel when most Latino people themselves know that they are mostly mixed between natives, black slaves white slave owners and a small number of Sephardi Jews that only moved there much later then the time frame you mention.
do you believe King David was beige or red complexioned and what do you believe about how this relates to Esau's complexion.

I read in a magazine called trumpet quoting ancient roman historians that the pale blue eyed blonde haired white people descended from assyria through the tribe of asshur who migrated to northern europe not from esau whom ancient jews held to be the forefather of the greeks and romans who migrated to southern europe from edom.

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